Part 4

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Three days later, Zane stood in the lobby of the Ryan Med-Tech Inc. skyscraper. He sighed slightly as he stretched his shoulders out. He wasn't used to being in a business suit, but Mr. Smith had requested he wear one to work today and since Smith is his employer, he had no choice but to comply. He looked out of the large glass windows, watching civilians walk by the building, wishing he were in their shoes. "Their fortunate they don"t know what's going on right under their feet""He thought to himself as one of Mr. Smith's bodyguards suddenly appeared at his side. "Sergeant Azerov, Mister Smith would like to see you now." Zane nodded once and followed the man.

"Anything new happen since my squad and I have been gone?" He asked casually. The bodyguard shook his head silently as he called the elevator down to the lobby. Zane smirked at the man "Not much of a conversationalist are you?"He asked the man. As they walked into the elevator the bodyguard turned to him "Mr. Smith doesn't pay me to talk, he pays me to 'deal' with dead beat soldiers like you" Zane stopped and stared at the man, an ice cold stare coming over his face. "If you ever fire a single round at me or my squad I give you my word I will kill you" he said calmly, his eyes burning with hate towards the man. The bodyguard smiled "Oh don"t worry about that, if I do shoot at you or your squad, I guarantee I will kill one of you"

Zane glared at him, pulling a piano wire surreptitiously from his suit sleeve. He didn't take threats to his men or himself lightly. Bringing his knee to his chest, he kicked the bodyguard square in the chest. The bodyguard fell backwards, flailing, failing to get to a better defensive position as he hit the elevator wall. Zane moved swiftly maneuvering behind the man and wrapped the wire around his throat, pulling it tighter and tighter. The wire began cutting into the skin of the man stupid enough to threaten Sergeant Azerov's team. After a few moments, the bodyguard stopped struggling and went limp. The elevator doors opened as they reached Mr. Smith's office and his bodyguards instantly pointed their M16s at Zane, who was still pulling the wire tighter around the man's throat. Mr. Smith arched one of his eye brows "Really now, what did he do?" He asked calmly as Zane released the man's throat.

"He informed me that he wished to cause harm to my squad. "Zane said as he kicked the man's body, walking out of the elevator. Mr. Smith looked at him, a sly smile on his face "Please remove the trash from the elevator" he said casually, motioning towards the incinerator chute tucked into a back corner of the room. Zane stood before Smith's desk "You requested me sir?" He said as he stood rigid, his eyes forward. "Yes, it seems as though our dear friend Lasko has decided to mount a hostile takeover of my company" Smith said as he walked around the desk towards Zane. "I was wondering if you would kindly "find" a sniper to target him" he said accenting the word "find" with a wry smile knowing, full well, that Zane was the best sniper in his employment. Zane looked at him "Yes sir, when would you like this sniper to target him?"He asked, his voice gaining the cold edge it gained when entering a combat situation.

Mr. Smith smiled. "Next week, when he is eating his lunch and of course this will be off the books. I will, however, put through a hundred thousand-dollar bonus if all goes well."Zane smiled slightly, "Yes sir; I'll recon the area and setup for the shot."Mr. Smith nodded with a smile "Very well Sergeant, the rest of the day is yours to do as you see fit" he said as he sat back down. "Oh one more thing Sergeant" He said before Zane reached the elevator. "I want this to be done cleanly. No witnesses and no evidence, I"m sure you can handle that."Mr. Smith finished as Zane entered the elevator.

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