Part 6

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Asami turned to look at him, her eyes widening as she saw the glass and shrapnel that he had taken instead of her. Zane stumbled slowly towards the exit; every drop of his blood hitting the floor seemed like thunder to Asami as she watched him push open the door frame and turn the corner, leaving her field of sight. A police officer ran into the building, looking around "Is anybody injured here?" He asked worriedly as he glanced around. Asami looked at the Officer and nodded slightly, pointing to the trail of blood Zane left as he stumbled away. The Officer looked at the blood and nodded as he ran off, following the trail after radioing to another Officer to evacuate the building.

    Zane leaned heavily against a brick building, his vision darkening as he pushed off of the wall, and crumpled to the ground. The Officer turned the corner and saw Zane lying on the ground and radioed for an ambulance as he rushed over to him, checking for a pulse. "He has a pulse but it's weak, for the love of god somebody hurry up and get here now!"He screamed over the radio.

    Nikolai was sitting in his apartment, watching the news report of the explosion as his phone began to ring. Turning from the TV, he picked up the phone, surprised to see that it was the hospital calling. "Mister Nikolai Petralsky, this is the Neonleigh General Hospital, a friend of yours has you listed as their emergency contact. You'll want to come as soon as you can" The nurse said calmly before hanging up. Nikolai's eyes widened as he wondered who had listed him as a contact, picking up his red leather trench coat. He turned off the TV before he left his apartment, heading for his Mustang.

    At the hospital, doctors were busy with the many minor injuries from the explosion and glass. Zane was wheeled into the emergency room, lying on his stomach as to alleviate the pressure of his injuries. The ER doctor turned, his eyes widening as he saw all of the glass and shrapnel in Zane's back "Oh my God" He said quietly as he led the gurney into the operating room, and began to prepare for the surgery. Nikolai stood at the nurses' station, demanding to know which of his friends had been admitted into the hospital. One of the nurses set her hand on his forearm, leading him to a waiting room, a clipboard in her hand. Setting him down in a chair, she sat opposite of him "Your friend Zane Azerov was admitted into the ER twenty minutes ago, he had you listed as the emergency contact. He's in the operating room right now, we'll come get you if things worsen. That's all the information I have, I"m sorry."the nurse said apologetically before she stood up and walked away.

    Nikolai sat in the waiting room for an hour before Asami showed up at the hospital. They sat together for three more hours, waiting to hear if Zane was alive or not. The nurse who had talked to Nikolai walked up to them, looking at Asami "Are you family to Mr. Azerov?" The nurse asked politely, before Asami shook her head slightly "No, but I was with him when it all happened." Asami quietly said, Nikolai turned to her, his eyes widening slightly before turning to the nurse "Is he OK?"He asked urgently. The nurse nodded to him "He"s out of surgery now, so you can go visit him in room B30" Nikolai stood up quickly and looked at Asami, before walking down the hall, heading to Zane's room. Asami stood up shortly after Nikolai walked away, she leaned towards the nurse "Where's the gift shop?"She asked the nurse quietly. The nurse looked at her questioningly before smiling and pointing towards the shop.

    Zane lay on the hospital bed, pain surging through his body as his record said to not give painkillers. He opened his left eye as he heard the door swing open, Nikolai stood in the door frame, his face full of relief "Thank God you're alive!"He nearly shouted out. Zane smiled weakly "Yeah, I'm still alive, I hurt like hell though."he said still smiling as he gestured to a nearby chair. Nikolai nodded slightly as he sat down in the chair "Ms. Akimoto is here too, she said you two were together when this happened". Zane opened his right eye as he turned his head to look at him "Is she OK, she's not injured right?"He asked worriedly as a new wave of pain washed over him, causing him to clench his jaw. Just at that moment, Asami pushed the door open, carrying a card in her hand. Zane looked at her, and smiled "Thank God you're alright"he said as he lost consciousness.

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