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🏈Liam's POV🏈

"You know she tried to kill herself multiple times, right?" Ashley said to me.

"How many times?" I asked afraid of the answer.

"7." She said sipping her tea.

"But wh-" I said.

"Who knows why. She doesn't open up to anyone. I've known her for 2 years. The only person who knows is her sister." Daniel said cutting me off.

"Why doesn't her sister tell you guys?" I asked.

"She said that rose needs to tell us when she's ready. She had a very fucked up childhood up is all I know so far." Ashley explained.

I sighed and looked at her sleeping body on my lap.

Damn Shes gor-

"Why the hell did this have to happen?!" Ashley shouted unexpectedly making us flinch. "She was finally getting better, she started smiling, agreeing to go out places for once."

We were all inside her house sitting on her room floor.

"Okay we're sleeping on the floor, put her on the bed." Danny said.

"Funny story. She won't let go of me." I said looking down at her.

"Tug harder, football player." Ashley said rolling her eyes.

"She's holding on for dear life and if you wanna wake her up go ahead." I said.

"Just go to sleep loser." Daniel said.

And thats basically why she woke up next to me.

For some reason I feel like I should help her.

No, I need to help her.


Rose POV- After they left

Why was he trying to help me?

Last week I bumped into him, we got into an argument and then we parted ways.

I took the teddy bear he gave me and went to back sleep with it.


"Rose." Someone said while shaking me to wake me up.

I realized it was Patricia.

"Rosie." Patricica sung.

"Get the hell of me." I mumbled.

"But I ordered pizza." Patricia argued.

I woke up completely and got up.

"Hawaiian?" I asked.

"Of course." She said. "How the hell do you eat that shit. Its literally pineapples on pizza. So unnatural." She said in disgust.

"Dont knock it till you tried it." I said shrugging.

"No thanks, I'll eat it separately, like a normal person." She said walking out the door with me.

"Anyways, Tom is coming over for some pizza too. Try and actually have a conversation for once." She said.

Every time her boyfriend Tom comes over he tries and tries to talk to me but I ignore him.

He's annoying.

All he wants to do is play therapist.

"I'm not talking to him." I said rolling my eyes.

"I-" she said but was cut off by a door knocking.

"Its him." She said running to the door.

"Ew. No thanks I'm leaving." I said running past Tom and grabbing my leather jacket from the rack.

"Don't be out too long." Patricia yelled as Tom whispered something too her.

"Never mind take your time!" She yelled.


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