Chapter 2- Vmin (part 1)

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Jimin's P.O.V
I stared, dumbfounded, at V, who was sitting on my bed, in my room, with a pout on his lips.

"Tae, I'm not going to go to that club." I stressed to him for like the hundredth time that day.

He had been bugging me all day to go to some club with him tonight, as we had a day off tomorrow, so it wouldn't matter if he had a hangover then.

"Please Jimin it'll be fun," he whined, continuing to pout. "And plus, there'll be a shit tonne of girls there," he paused, looking me up and down, smirking slightly, "or in your case cute boys to fuck."

"I have a cute boyfriend already, you shit." I laughed slightly at the thought of Jungkook. He probably must be in the kitchen eating food that Jin hyung made for him. He was always hungry.

"Jimin please I'm begging you. Manager hyung would not let me go if someone doesn't come with me. He thinks I would do something stupid on my own." He huffed, making a face.

"Just ask someone else to go with you then, Tae."

"I don't want anyone of them to come with me Chim. Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok hyung would just embarrass me. I can't even ask Jungkook because he's underage."

"Ask Yoongi hyung then."

"You know what he's like Jiminie," he sighed, "He would just take all the hot girls away from me." He continued to whine, "Please Jimin, I thought you were my best friend, that you would do anything for me."

I raised an eyebrow at him, but it was true. Before our debut, when I hadn't met Jungkook yet, I had gone to a club with Yoongi. We had just literally entered and there were already a swarm of girls, and boys, around us...well him.

"Fine Tae," I sighed, finally giving into his whining, only because I felt sorry for him. Definitely not because I wanted to pick up hot chicks or boys on the way. Nope! I'm good with just Jungkook. My hands were full enough with Jungkook but I still loved him.

"Thank you Jimin thank you so so so so much!" He said, tackling me in a bear hug.

"Just don't tell Jungkook," I managed to wheeze out, as he was practically choking me as he hugged me. "I don't want to have another argument with him, like I did last week." I sighed, remembering how he thought me and Yoongi hyung were dating behind his back.

I mean, where does he even get these ideas, that I was cheating on him, from?

"I won't," he replied, happily walking out of my room, a swing in his step as he went.

After the events that occurred after the club, I realised what a bad, bad, decision I had made agreeing to accompany V to the club.

I had secretly dressed myself up in black ripped skinny jeans, a black tank top, a pair of black boots. I then matched my gothic outfit with some gold accessories. And I was ready, to sneak out of the dorm at eleven o'clock with my 'best friend'.

I sneaked out of my bedroom, making sure to put a blaket around Jungkook, before I headed out of our room. He had fallen asleep on the bed, face downwards, arms outstretched on the bed in a starfish position.

Looking at his cute sleeping face, almost made me want to get into bed and cuddle with him, but I decided against it. V wouldn't appreciate that.

I quietly made my way to our living room, that was directly in front of our front door. I saw Taehyung, sitting on the couch, surrounded by complete darkness. I assumed he didn't want to wake the others up, since he probably hadn't told any of the hyungs what our plans were for the night, and didn't want them to object to us going to the club.

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