Chapter 8- Namjin

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I watched the scene unfold in front of me in the living room. The tense atmosphere making me feel at unease.

"I'm sorry hyung." Namjoon hyung told Jin hyung when he accidentally bumped into him, as he was rushing around our house trying to gather his things. It was still early in the morning and half of our members were still sleeping, but he had an interview at a radio station, and I had promised to go with him.

Jin hyung wordlessly ignored him, and pushed past him to sit down on the sofa.


I watched as Moni hyung's face fell, and he looked at the floor disheartened. This was the second day he was being ignored by Jin hyung. 

"Hyung?" He called out. "Did I do something wrong?"

Yet again he was disregarded, as Jin hyung turned to switch the T.V on.

"I-I'm s-"

"Hyung!" I called out, interrupting them as I knew if they carried on it would result in disaster. "We better get going or we'll be late."

"Right." Moni hyung walked passed me to the front door. Jin hyung never once looked back.

It was silent in the van. I couldn't bring myself to lighten the mood either. Namjoon hyung sighed again, still looking out of the tinted window. My heart clenched a little seeing him so upset. 

Manager hyung seemed to notice his demeanour as well, turning to look back at the two of us sat at the back. He shared the same worried look as me. He fidgeted a little before truing to look back at us and handing Namjoon a white plastic bag. 

"Triangular bimbap." Manager hyung said, smiling a little when Moni looked inquiringly at the bag. 

Even then, with one of his favourite snacks in front of, the dim expression never left his face. 

"I'm not hungry hyung." he said, handing the bag over to me instead.

I silently took it. Today was going to be a long day. For the both of us. 

The interview got extended an hour, so by the time we were done, we were both exhausted. I rushed inside the van and stretched as soon as I said my goodbyes to everyone. I couldn't wait to sleep the whole journey back. I sighed contently leaning back in my seat and feeling my muscles loosen. Just as I put my hand inside to pocket to fish out my phone, I felt it vibrate. 

"My Jungkookie," I said sweetly as I answered, "everything okay?"

"Hyung," his voice sounded so stiff and worried. 

"What is it baby?" I said this time more alert. 

"Where are you? You're supposed to be here by now." his sweet voice whined. I relaxed a little. 

"I know Kookie, the interview ran over time. We're leaving now though."

"So you'll be here in half an hour?"

I hummed agreeing with him. There was a silent pause, and I knew something was worrying him. 

"Are you okay Kookie? Something worrying you?"

"Hyung," I heard him sniff, "I-It'sJin hyung. I-I don't think he's eaten anything all day. I asked h-him if he has and he just locked his door on my face." he paused, and then he said brokenly, "W-What should I do hyung?"

"Baby," I started, unsure of what to do myself, "can you give the phone to Taehyung?" I asked after a moments thought. "Don't worry about it okay, Jin hyung's okay." I lied to him. It very was unusual for Jin hyung not to eat. However I knew worrying Jungkook more would not help the situation at all. 

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