Chapter 1 - My Fiore

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A/N - For the first few weeks of publication I'm going to keep my personal book cover up (just so people recognize it together with the first two books) and then I'll put up the beautiful covers made by KunoHikaYashi and fandomholic--! Their hard work will not go unnoticed! Welcome back, my bodacious babes! It hasn't been long but here we go again! Book 3 comin' at ya!


You never noticed how easy it could be to forgive and forget.

Forgiving someone is one of the hardest things a person can do in their life. People go years before considering forgiveness. Being stuck in hate was such a sick feeling. It was extremely toxic for everyone and no one wins in a drawn-out battle.

When Yukino marched over to you and grabbed your shoulders you expected a punch in the face, a screaming match, maybe even a scolding like the kind your grandmother gave you when you were little.

You weren't expecting a staring match with the words, "Are you okay?" Coming out of her mouth.

"Am I what?"

"Are you okay?" She repeated.

She witnessed the accidental kiss that had transpired not five minutes ago. You thought a stranger was your boyfriend, Sting Eucliffe. They had the same height, hair, and build. You may have tapped their shoulder, thinking they were Sting, but you didn't go and shove your face into the guy. This Sting look-alike took your lips in his without hesitation and now you had the worst dilemma on your hands. You kissed a boy who wasn't your boyfriend.

"Why are you— are you mad?" You felt an overload of anxiety rush through your body. Every second you were scared of having a panic attack.

"I'm mad at him, not at you!" She was clearly furious. You thought she was ready to sock you for cheating but that wasn't the case at all. "Did he do anything else to you?"

You shook your head, now too shocked to answer with proper words.

"Thank god," She exhaled and hugged you in an embrace you didn't think you missed. "I saw you go after him so I thought you knew him," She said into the hug. "But when you pushed him and he grabbed your wrist like that, I knew he was shady."

You were still processing how she knew. Was she there watching? "How did you...?"

"I was going home. I saw you guys on my walk. You ran right past me but I guess you were too stunned to notice."

You didn't see anyone clearly. All you really got through your head was that there were dozens of people surrounding you guys not giving a damn about the situation. If Yukino saw, does that mean other people you knew saw you?

"You still haven't answered me," She said and pulled away from the squeeze. "Are you okay? He wasn't trying to follow you was he? Have you met him before?"

You knew you guys weren't on the best terms, however, this interaction was the purest conversation you two have had in a long time. You felt almost lucky that you could have this.

"I've never met him," You told her. "I thought he was Sting. When I tapped on his shoulder and realized he wasn't I apologized but he just stared at me," You could feel your brows growing heavier with the thought. Your entire face was sour with the memory. "Then he kissed me and I didn't know what to do."

Yukino was still holding your arms. Thankfully you two were in the ladies room but it wouldn't be long before someone else came in to pee or do their makeup. "He grabbed your wrist," Yukino said, hesitating to say more. "Did it hurt?"

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