Chapter One

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Eliza's pov
I anxiously wait for Arizona to knock on the door. I'm making dinner for us tonight. I am wearing some tight black jeans and a white tank top with a flannel. My hair is brushed and put in a ponytail. God, I'm so scared for this date. I've had a crush on Arizona since I started working at the hospital, but I never thought she would like me back. I pace around the living room as I wait for Arizona to arrive. We decided that I would cook at my place even though my stove is really tiny because of Arizona's roommate, Andrew. I've made the pierogi and put the water on to boil.

Arizona's pov

I take a shower and get dressed in some tight black jeans that hug my body in all the right places and a black v neck. I comb my long hair and leave it down. I glance at the clock. Dammit. I have five minutes to get to Eliza's. I grab the white wine I purchased that afternoon at the grocery store and leave, calling after me: "Andrew! I'm going to Dr. Minnick's!" "OK!" he yells back. I hop in my car and start the engine. It roars to life. I drive to Eliza's house. I knock on the door and she opens it. "Hey," I blush as she lets me in, "You look great!" She blushes tomato red. "You look great too," She says, "I made the pierogi but the water needs to boil." "Ok. Let's talk then. I really don't know that much about you besides the fact that you're amazing." I grin. Eliza blushes like crazy and we sit down on her red sofa. "What's your family like?" She asks me.

Eliza's pov
"Well, you know about Sofia already. She's great. She looks like Callie but acts like me. My childhood was unique. I grew up in a military family. My family had been in the Marines for forever. We lived all over the country, even in other countries sometimes. It was hard to move schools so often and I got bullied a lot for being gay, but my brother Timothy always had my back. He was my best friend. He.. he died awhile back. He went to Iraq and didn't come home." She says sadly. "Oh. I'm so sorry." I say softly as I take her warm hand. She blushes and looks into my eyes. "Eliza.. it's fine. Yeah it sucks, but Tim wouldn't want me to be sad forever. He would want me to be happy and you make me the happiest I have been in a long time." Arizona says, smiling at me. My heart skips a beat. God she's gorgeous. "What's your family like?" She asks me. "It's me, my brother Blake, my mom, and my dad. My childhood was average. We traveled to Portugal every summer. Other than that, just your average childhood." I shrug. The water timer dings and I get up to dump the pirogues in the water. I knock over a metal bowl. "Crap!" I say. "Eliza?" I hear Arizona say as she rushes into the kitchen. "Hey. It's ok. I just bumped into a bowl and it fell." I say as I set it on  the counter. "Good. I thought you knocked over the water." She says as she leads me to the bar stools I have near the island that is in the center on my kitchen. We sit and she gazes at me lovingly. "Arizona..." I start but am cut off by her lips on mine. Her lips are soft as silk. I cup her face in my hands as we kiss. The timer for the pirogues dings and I break the kiss to get them. Arizona pouts adorably. "Don't give me that face. Do you want dinner or burnt ashes?"I laugh. I serve the pierogi and she pours some wine she brought. We dig in. "This is really good, Eliza." She says. "It's my grandmother's recipe. You got a little something." I say as I wipe some pirogue of her face. Her blue eyes meet mine. They sparkle brighter than the stars. Suddenly, I'm in her arms as she carries me to the couch. "Arizona!"I laugh as she sets me down and attacks my face with kisses. I feel her wrap her arms around me and I lay my head on her chest. "Thank you." She whispers. "For what?" I ask. "For tonight. It was amazing. Eliza, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were going to work your way into my heart. Will you be my girlfriend?" She asks. "Yes.. Yes Arizona! Yes!" I exclaim. She laughs and holds me close. "It's late, Arizona. Do you want to stay the night?" I ask, praying she will say yes. "I'd love to." She grins. She's so cute when she smiles. "Ok. My room is upstairs unless you'd rather sleep on the couch. I don't want you to be uncomfortable and.." I start but am cut of by her kissing me gently. "Eliza, we've been unofficially dating for months. Let's go to sleep." She says, offering me her hand. I take it and I lead her upstairs. I hand her a pair of pj shorts and a spare t-shirt with the name of my old soccer team., The Tigers, printed on it in a curly cue font. "The bathroom is over there. There is a spare toothbrush and toothpaste in the cabinet. You can shower if you want to The spare towels are in the closet. I'll use the guest bathroom." I say, nodding towards the direction of the bathroom. She thanks me with a smile before heading to shower and change. I make my way to the guest bathroom and shower. I apply some sweet smelling lotion and put on some pj shorts and a shirt with the hospital's logo on it. I brush my teeth and use some Listerine cool mint mouth wash before going to my room and waiting for Arizona.

Arizona's pov

Eliza's never seen me without long pants to cover my leg. I'm nervous she will freak out. I don't even think she knows about the leg. Well, here goes nothing. I walk out of the room to see Eliza on sitting cross-legged on the bed. She's wearing short PJ shorts and a t-shirt. She looks so sexy. She glances at my leg before looking up at me. "Umm yeah. The leg? It's fake. I lost it because of the plane crash." I say guardedly. "C'mere." She says. I sit on the bed next to her and she kisses me softly. "Arizona... I don't care about the leg. It's just another part of you for me to love." She says. She's so sweet. "Let's sleep. It's late and we have work." She says. "I take the leg off to sleep, but if it makes you uncomfortable I can leave it on." I murmur. "Arizona, take it off. I like you for you. It's ok, baby. " She soothes. Baby... That's the first time she has ever called me that and it makes my heart beat faster in my chest. I take my leg off and set it against the bedside table.

Eliza's pov

I kneel and kiss Arizona's scar to prove that I really don't care that she has a prosthesis. "You're perfect just the way you are," I say. She pulls me up for a goodnight kiss and we lie down in my bed. I cover us with a blanket and we fall asleep in each other's arms. Today has been a great day, and I get to end it with the woman I am falling in love with in my arms.

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