Chapter Two

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Eliza's pov
I wake up with Arizona in my arms. She's so cute when she's sleeping. Her blond hair is all over the pillow and her face is very peaceful. She stirs and opens her stunning blue eyes. "Morning gorgeous." I say as I brush her hair out of her eyes. "Hey, how'd you sleep?" She asks. "Great next to you." I say, winking. She rolls her eyes and pulls me in for a quick kiss. "Cutie." She murmurs against my lips. I break the kiss and wrap her in my arms. "We should get up. I'll drive you to the hospital and lend you some clothes." I say. "You're so sweet." She blushes and pecks my check. "C'mon. We have to get up." I coax. She groans but sits up and puts her prothesis on. I go to the dresser and grab her some clothes. "Here's some jeans and a t shirt. I'm going to take a shower. Tell me if you need anything, ok?" I ask.

Arizona's pov
Eliza is so good to me. "I'll be fine, Eliza. Go shower." I say as I gently shove her out of the room. She smiles at me sweetly and blows me a kiss before heading to the guest bathroom. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. The warm water feels great and wakes me up. I hop out of the shower and get dressed. I comb my blond hair and walk out of the bathroom. I walk into the hall and look for Eliza. She comes out of the bathroom, her brown, damp hair cascading down her back. "What do you want for breakfast?" She asks, giving me a kiss on the check.  "I don't care. You pick." I grin. "Mk. Let's go get some cereal. I'd make you something but we don't have time." She says, grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs. "Trix or cherrios ?" She asks. "You have trix?" I ask, stifling a laugh. "Yep! I told you I'm gay as they come." She laughs. "I'll take trix then." I giggle and kiss her hand. She pours us trix and we eat quickly. "Cmon. We have five minutes to get to the hospital!" She says, taking my hand and leading me out the door. "Keys, Eliza!" I say. She laughs and grabs the keys. We hop into her car and drive the the hospital. We reach the hospital and sit in the parking lot. "Should we tell people we're together?" I ask.

Eliza's pov
"If you want to." I shrug. "I do. It's not like we can keep this a secret forever." She says worriedly. I take her warm hand in mine. "It'll be ok. People can be asses but I don't care. I'm proud to be your girlfriend." I say. "I'm proud to be your girlfriend, too. If people talk shit about you, I'm going to put them in their place." She says. "You're so good to me." I murmur. She wraps an arm around me and holds me close. I rest my head on her shoulder and she plants a sweet kiss on my forehead. We stay like that for a while. "We should go, love." She says. "Yeah. I know." I say as I lift my head off her shoulder. We hop out of the car and I lock it. I take Arizona's hand and she squeezes it lovingly. We walk into the hospital, hand and hand. People stare at us and I shift uncomfortably. "It's ok. I've got you." Arizona whispers in my ear. We finally make it to the locker room. I sit down on the bench and start to cry. "Hey.. shh... what's wrong?" Arizona says as she sits beside me and takes me into her strong arms. "I hate being treated like shit. I'm just trying to help this place." I sob into her chest. "I got you. I've got you. I'm here for you. I'll protect you." She soothes. "Thank you." I whisper. "Don't thank me. I protect the things I care about." She murmurs in my ear. It tickles. I laugh and wipe my tears away. "That tickled, baby." I say. Arizona grins and cups my face gently. She kisses my lips softly. "C'mon. I'll walk you to the resident's locker room." She says as she pulls me to my feet. We change into our blue scrubs and she walks me to the resident's locker room. They are chattering up a storm and are lounging around. "Hey! Get up! People are dying! Get up and get to work!" I order. They get up immediately and stare at me, their eyes full of fear. "That's my girl. You can do this. I'll see you at lunch." Arizona whispers in my ear before kissing my check and leaving. She's right. I can do this. I can do this.

Arizona's pov
I walk to the pediatric ward and pick up my charts from the nurse. I can't wait until lunch. I miss Eliza already. I know I'm falling for her, and I'm terrified. My phone dings. I unlock it to find a text from Callie. She never texts me.
"Hey. How are you?" It reads.
"Good. Hbu?" I answer
"Good. New York is great. Sofia loves her school. Penny is good, too." She replies.
"I have a girlfriend, too. Her name is Eliza. She's amazing." I text.
"Good. I'm happy for you. All I ever want is for you to be happy. Even if we are divorced, I will always care about you." She texts.
"Thanks. I hope you are happy to. I have to go. Ttyl." I hit send and put my phone away. Wow. I wasn't expecting that. Callie didn't really keep in touch when she broke my heart and left. She's changed. A part of me will always love her. She's my daughter's other mom, after all. But I have Eliza now and that's all I need. I'm happy. I'm actually happy for the first time in forever. Eliza is so good to me and I will fight for her. Forever and always.

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