Chapter Nine

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Arizona's pov

Today's the day Sofia arrives. I wake up with Eliza in my arms. She looks so peaceful when she is sleeping. Her dark brown hair is strewed across the pillow. She is curled up in my arms. She's so adorable. She stirs and opens her grey-blue eyes. "Morning gorgeous," I say as I kiss her head. "Morning beautiful." She yawns. She snuggles into my chest. "What time is it?" She asks. "It's 10 am," I inform her. "When do you have to get Sofia?" She asks softly. "The airport is 30 minutes away so I'll leave at 11. We have time for a bath. How does that sound?" I say, hoping to calm Eliza's nerves. She is really nervous about meeting Sofia. She nods and I sit up and put my prosthesis on. We grab some clothes and head to the bathroom. She runs the bath while I grab some fresh towels from the closet.

Eliza's pov

"C'mere," Arizona says as she gently pulls me closer. She takes off my t-shirt. We undress each other until we are both naked. She takes off her prosthesis and we slip into the warm water. I lay against her and she holds me. "I'm nervous," I confess. "Don't be. Sofia will love you." Arizona reassures me, leaving a sweet kiss on my bare shoulder. "What if she doesn't like me or hates me or...," I start but am cut off by Arizona. "Eliza. Stop. You have nothing to worry about." She says, rubbing my back soothingly. I guess she is right. She knows her own kid well and I trust her. "It's 10:50, Arizona. You should get ready so you can grab some breakfast before you go." I say. She nods and we get out of the tub and get dressed.

Arizona's pov

"I'll whip you up some eggs whilst you get ready," Eliza says. She's so good to me. "That would be great. Thank you." I say as I kiss her check. She heads downstairs to cook me breakfast and I do my hair and makeup. I go downstairs and she serves me some eggs. "Thanks, love," I say. "Of course. What does Sofia like for lunch?" She asks. "You don't have to make anything. We can pick up some takeout." I assure her. "I want to though. I cook when I'm worried." She shrugs. "Ok. Well, Sofia loves macoroni and cheese. You could do that," I suggest. "Perfect. Now get going! It's already 11." She says, ushering me out the door. "Wait. I need a goodbye kiss." I say as I pull her close to me and kiss her lips. "I love you. Now go get your daughter!" She says as she gently pushes me away and hands me my car keys. "I love you too. I will see you soon!" I say as I wave goodbye and get into my car. I drive off, humming to myself happily. I finally get to see my daughter for the first time since summer. I am so excited.

Eliza's pov

I start to prepare the macoroni and cheese. I hear DeLuca yawn as he comes into the kitchen. "Morning Dr Minnick." He says, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Andrew, I have told you 100 times. You can call me Eliza when we aren't at work." I say. "Will do." Andrew yawns. "Long night, eh?" I ask as I set the water to boil. "Yep. Crazy freak car accident. I have to go in soon so I'm going to shower. Were's Arizona?" He asks. "She went to get Sofia." I say. "Cool. The kid's a cutie. She's great and Arizona is the best mom." He says as he leaves to shower. I run my fingers through my hair as I serve the macaroni and cheese. Arizona should be home soon and with her, Sofia.
Arizona's pov
I arrive at the airport and a ball of energy barrels towards me. "Mama! I missed you soooo much!" Sofia cries as she hugs me. "Hey big girl. I missed you too." I say as I bend down and hug her. "Hi Arizona." I hear a voice say. I glance up to see Callie with the luggage. "Hey Callie. How's New York?" I ask as I stand up and take Sofia's hand. "Good. How's Seattle? Man I missed this place." She says as we walk to the car and load the luggage in. "Rainy as usual. Sof, your booster seat is in the back. Buckle up please." I say as we get in my car. Sofia clicks her seatbelt and we drive towards Meredith's place. Callie and I agreed it would be best for Sofia to meet Eliza without Callie there. Besides, Callie wants time to catch up with Meredith and the kids. I drop Callie off and she kisses Sofia goodbye and hops out of the car. "Good luck, Arizona. It'll be fine." She whispers in my ear. I smile at her. She can always tell when I'm nervous. The two most important woman in my life are meeting for the first time. If I wasn't nervous, I wouldn't be human. "Hey Sofia?" I ask. "Yeah mama?" "Know how you wanted to meet my "Penny"?" I ask. "Yep!" Sofia says happily. "Well, how would you like to meet her today? Her name is Eliza and she made a special lunch just for you." I ask as I pull into the driveway. "Yay! Let's go!" She cheers. "Ok miss. Slow down there!" I laugh as Sofia unbuckles her self and slips out of the car. I grab her purple and pink sparkly suitcase from the trunk and we walk up the gravel driveway and open the door to the house.

Eliza's pov
DeLuca leaves and I'm left with my thoughts. I hear gravel crunching. They are here. I hear the door open and Arizona's voice call "Eliza? We're here!" "In the kitchen!" I call back. She comes into the kitchen, holding a little girl by the hand. She's wearing a pink shirt and some jean shorts. Her sneakers are sparkly. Arizona parks a suitcase by the table. "Hi. I'm Eliza and you must be Sofia. Your mama has told me a lot about you." I say as I bend down to the little girl's level. "Hi!" Sofia says as she hugs me. She's such a sweetie. I hug her back and Arizona meets my eyes and mouths "I told you so." I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at her. I let go off Sofia so I can pour the milk. "You hungry, Sofia? I made some macaroni and cheese." I suggest. Sofia nods eagerly and Arizona helps her into a chair. We all sit, eat the dish and drink ice cold milk.
Arizona's pov
I take one look at Sofia, stuffing her face with macaroni and cheese, meet Eliza's eyes, and we both burst out laughing. Sofia has a piece of macaroni stuck to her forehead. "What?" Sofia asks. "You've got a little something." Eliza grins as she wipes the pasta off her forehead. "Oh. Thanks!" Sofia smiles. "No problem, kiddo." Eliza smiles back. "How about we clean this up and watch a movie?" I suggest. Sofia nods eagerly and Eliza smiles at me. We clean up the lunch dishes and head into the living room. Sofia plops down on the beanbag chair and Eliza and I sit on the couch. "What movie do you want to watch, Sof?" I ask as I turn on the tv and find Netflix. "Beauty and The Beast!" She exclaims. "Ok Sof." I say as I turn on the movie. Eliza snuggles up against me and I wrap an arm around her. "I love you." I whisper in her ear. She smiles sweetly up and me and I plant a kiss on her head. We sit in content silence and watch the movie. When the movie is over, Sofia has fallen asleep. "Be right back." I say as I get up and pick Sofia up. I carry her to her room and place her in her bed. "Rest, big girl. I love you." I say as I cover her up with a blanket and hand her her teddy bear. I place a gentle kiss on her head and go back downstairs. "She asleep?" Eliza asks as I sit down next to her. "Yep. She should wake up in time for dinner though. Let's order a pizza." I suggest. Eliza nods and lays her head on my lap. I reach for the landline and call the pizza place. I order a extra large cheese since Andrew will be coming home soon. I absentmindedly stroke Eliza's hair and she gazes up at me. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too." I say as I take her hand in mine.

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