1 - Meeting Dylan

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One evening, I was checking my e-mail and I got an e-mail from a country singer from Indiana. So I decided to open it up and read it. The e-mail said:

Hello Kelly,

            My name is Dylan. I was hoping that you would get this and I'm glad that you finally did. The reason that I'm e-mailing you is to invite you to one of my concerts that is coming your way. The date of this concert is on a Friday night. You already informed me that you are unable to drive, SO what I've decided is to pick you up and take you there myself. Make sure to be ready when I come to your house. The date of this concert is on your birthday and you already told me when your birthday is so this is going to be a birthday surprise. Like I said, make sure to be ready when I come to get you. You already gave me your address in another e-mail, so I'll just look up directions and I'll be there. Just like I keep saying, make sure to BE READY WHEN I GET THERE! Any questions, just e-mail me back and I'll answer them. Thank you  Hope you have a nice evening.

Dylan Schneider <3

After I received the e-mail, I had to read it over and over to make sure it made sense. I kept reading it and reading it. It seemed to me that he wanted to meet me and take me out on a date and so I decided to get ready. 

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