7 - My Amazing Wedding Day

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So the day FINALLY ARRIVED! I WAS GETTING MARRIED TO THE GREATEST SINGER AND THE MOST AMAZING MAN IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD! So I went into the room and got changed into my wedding gown.  Once I got into my wedding gown and veil, I looked in the mirror and made sure that I looked good. So then I walked over to Dylan's house and knocked on his door. He answered the door and here is our conversation:

Me: Hello Dylan, how are you?

Dylan: I'm excellent, I'm ready to become YOUR HUSBAND FOREVER!

Me: Me too, I'm ready to become YOUR WIFE FOREVER!

Dylan: Well, I think we should head on over to the church and practice our vows before the ceremony. Don't you think?

Me: Yes, I think you're right.

Dylan: Alright, well, I'll pick you up and we'll be on our way. Love you, my love. See you soon, my darling.

Me: Hey, stop calling me those pet names, don't call me those until after we're married.

Dylan: Alright, if you insist. See in a little bit.

So then after I left his house, I went back to mine and got into my wedding gown, shoes, and veil. Once I was ready, Dylan came over, knocked on my door and then I answered it.

Me: Hello, my love. Are you ready for this?

Dylan: Yes, I am. Are YOU ready?


Dylan: That's very sweet of you to say to me, thank you.



I was at the doors that would open up to the aisle that I would walk down alongside my older brother. My brother tried to hold back his tears while he was walking me down. The song that I picked to walk down the aisle to was a song that Dylan wrote just for me and the title of the song was called, "Wannabe" and actually the song wasn't even playing, Dylan was singing while I was walking down the aisle, he was looking RIGHT AT ME while he was singing. Then by the end of the song, I was standing beside Dylan and he looked at me and said, "Hello, my love." I just smiled and then my brother stepped away from me, but before he gave a kiss. Then I turned towards Dylan and we were holding hands by now, so we said our wedding vows to each other. Then Dylan looked at me, with tears in his eyes and said his wedding vow to me, "Kelly, you are the only one that I think about and dream of to be by my side. Then I said to dream come true ever since we first met 2 years ago. So, thank you for bringing out of darkness into the most wonderful light of The Lord and in your eyes. God blesses you for finding your man and so thank you for choosing me to be your forever man." After vows were said, rings were exchanged, I said, "Dylan, please take this ring as a sign of my overbounding love for you." Then Dylan said to me, "Kelly, take this ring as a sign of my overbounding love for you." After rings were exchanged, the minister said to Dylan, "Dylan, you may kiss your bride." So he lifted my veil and gave me a long, passionate kiss. Then after the kiss, he whispered in my ear, "I love you forever, my love." After that was said, we turned to face the congregation and the minister said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you, the new Mr. and Mrs. Dylan Thomas Schneider." Then we raised our arms and everyone broke into erupts of cheers. We walked down off of the stage that we had been standing on and walked back up the aisle to Dylan's song called, "Wannabe."


so then Dylan and I made our way into the reception hall with our bridal party in front of us. So the DJ made an announcement, "Ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the bride and groom are on their way in." Then we stood outside of the reception hall and then the DJ said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to welcome the new Mr. and Mrs. Dylan Thomas Schneider!" So then we walked in and there wewre erupts of cheers from the whole hall, even the DJ. Once we made our way to the dance floor, the DJ said to Dylan, "Sir, I think you have something to say and you would like to sing a song to your bride." "You are absolutely right, sir." So Dylan took the microphone from the dj and started singing the song, "How Does It Sound", so while he was singing that song, I decided to go up onstage where he was sitting on a stool. I pulled up a stool and sat next to him, but he didn't notice until he looked over and saw smiling. He said to me, "Hi honey, I see that you have come to join me. I love you, honey." So then after he said that we kissed, the crowd went, "Aww." Then after that, we bid our farewells to our guests and left for our honeymoon and to start our lives as a married couple.

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