16:: We Are Invited To A Wedding

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One evening Dylan and I got a call about a wedding that was going be in North Carolina and so I took the call and here is the conversation:

Me: Hello, who am I speaking with?
Unkown Caller: My name is Scotty McCreery and the reason why I'm calling is because I want to invite you and your family to my wedding. So please talk to your husband and your children and then call me back and let me know what they say.
Me: Will do. Thank you for the invite to us to your wedding.
Scotty: You are so welcome.

Then I got off the phone and went over to my husband and my children and explained to them about the wedding that all of us were invited to. So I gave a call to Scotty and his fiancee, Gabi. So he picked up the phone amd said:

Scotty: Hello Kelly, how are you? 
Me: I'm good, Yes, I have discussed with my husband and he said that it would he great.
Scotty: That's great! Well, here's Gabi and she is very excited about our upcoming wedding.

Then his fiancee got on the phone and this so what she was saying to me while on the phone was:

Gabi: Hi Kelly, I'm sure that you know that Scotty told you about our upcoming wedding.
Me: Yes, he did and our whole family are very happy for the both of you.
Gabi: Aww, you're sweet! Thank you so much!
Me: You're welcome!

Then we said our good-byes and got off the phone.Dylan looked at me and asked, "Who was that on the phone, honey?" "That was Scotty McCreery and his fiancee, Gabi Dugal speaking about their upcoming wedding and they're inviting us to come." "Really?" "Yes, I'm serious!" "Alright, well, we have to pack up our bags and get the kids ready." So I went upstairs and got the kids dressed. Then after all of us were packed, we went to the car,  got in, and left to be at the airport on time. So when we arrived at the airport and so when arrived, we put our bags up on to the convar belt and then we walked theough security. After that, all of us were able to board the plane.

On The Plane:

We got buckled in and then he pulled out a book and started reading. I decided to take a nap, so I put my head on my husband's shoulder. He looked at me and asked, "Oh honey, you tired?" No response from me since I was already asleep. So we enjoyed the of our plane ride and then all of a sudden, the pilot announced: "Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in Garner, North Carolina, so if this your stop, please depart and enjoy the rest of your day."

In The Airport:

So then we gathered our bags in the airport and went to meet Scotty and his fiancee, Gabi and their parents. I had Dylan Jr on my hip and Dylan had Caitlin on his sholders while he carried one of our bags iin his hand and I carried our other bag into the airport.  Then we walked over to Scotty and Gabi and said, "Hey guys, we're all here to witness your wedding." "Well, thank you for coming and supporting us in this next phase in our lives." "You are both SO welcome!"  Then all of us went to our hotel and got settled so that we could get ready for the wedding that would be in 3 days.

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