It Goes Round and Round

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~May 5th~
You didn't want to go to school today. Everyday Mina, Samira, Kiana, and their "friends" would beat you senseless. It was brutal, no one was around to save you... not even Jungkook.

You were sitting at your desk, the bell had rung. You looked at the seat next to you (Jungkook's seat) there was no one there. You wanted to stay positive today, so you thought that he was just coming late. Classes after classes passed, no Jungkook. The last bell had rang, you had to stay after school to finish a history test you didn't finish, it was easy, but you couldn't stop thinking about where Jungkook was. You were done with the test, when you walked out of the classroom, there was a note on the door, it read,

"Hey, this is Jungkook. Namjoon hyung told me you were taking a history test in this room. He also said that you looked pretty gloomy today, let's talk. Meet me behind the school when you're done."
This brought a smile to your face. You took the note and started to head behind the school. You turned the corner to behind the school, only to see ten girls, including Samira, Kiana, and Mina.

"Awww, looks like the little gullible Y/n fell for the trap, what? Did you really think Jungkook would come to school when he's ditching?" Samira laughed, "Like Mina said, all of us aren't gonna let what you did to us slide." All of them started to walk towards you, you backed away and started to run for it. As soon as you turned around, there was another girl who grabbed you. They all started to beat you, they punched, kicked, and slammed you against the wall. They beat you for more than fifteen minutes, it almost seemed like thirty. You were left on the ground trembling. They gave you a black eye, a cut on your lip, and a bruised cheek. You saw Kiana take her phone out and take a picture of you lying there in pain. This would happen over and over again since May 1st, to May 4th. Your family never saw you like this with all of your marks, all of them were in Hawaii, you wanted to stay home because everyday you'd look forward to seeing Irene, Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Suga, Jin, and Taehyung.

~End of Flashback~
"What if Jungkook isn't here today... just like he wasn't there for the past couple of days." Your phone beeped. You looked at the screen to see a notification from Instagram.

"Kiana.Lee tagged you in a photo"

You picked up your phone and opened the notification. The post horrified you. It was a picture of you lying on the ground, hugging your stomach in pain. Bruises and cuts covering your pale face, the obvious fear and pain in your eyes. The caption read, "This is what happens when you fall for a trap. We beat her up for four straight days! It's a shame she's not here today..." You put your phone faced down on your night stand. You got up and looked at yourself in the mirror, you had a black eye, a cut and bruised lip, and bruised cheeks. You slowly walked to your bed and the annoying buzzes from your phone startled you. They came one after another, just texts from Jungkook.

Kookie: Y/n! Are you okay?!
Kookie: You're not at school today
Kookie: I saw the Instagram post.
Kookie: Please answer!
Kookie: Y/n... Irene and the others are worried... I'm worried too.

You didn't want to answer, you didn't want to pull him into your problems. You get another text from Jungkook.

Kookie: Y/n, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you those past couple of days. My dad and I have been arguing a lot lately, I didn't want you guys to see me as a burden. I felt like shit on May 1st, so I didn't go to school. For those days I didn't go, my dad had been yelling at me constantly. This morning, my dad almost hit me, he stopped though. Deep down inside, he couldn't hit me. My dad apologized for all those times he's been yelling at me. I promise to you Y/n, I will protect now. I won't miss a single day of school now... so I can be there and protect you.

Seeing that made you feel sorry, you finally picked up your phone and answered.

~Jungkook's POV~
"Guys! She's not answering!" I said as I panicked. I tapped my foot nervously while waiting to see those three dots on the corner. After waiting; Y/n finally answered.

Y/n 💕: Hey Kook... I'm sorry for not answering.
Kookie: It's okay, what happened?
Y/n 💕: It's better if saw. All of you guys can come over when school is over.

~School Ended~
The guys, Irene, and I walked to Y/n's house, the door was unlocked. I walked in, I knew that Y/n was in her room. I walked to her door and knocked.

"Y/n... its us." I said as I was knocking on the door. She opened the door with her head down. I gently cup her face with my hands and I slowly raised her head to look at me. She stared at me with her wounded face.

"Unnie! What did they do to you?!" Irene runs up to Y/n and hugs her. We all sat down on Y/n's bed.

"When you were absent Jungkook... they took advantage of that. They lured me to the back of the school... a-and they started to beat me senseless. Everyday when you weren't here, they'd do it again, but it got more extreme everyday. I didn't come to school today because Mina threatened that she'd bring a pocket knife and cut me..." Y/n quickly looked down, I saw that she was trembling. I wrapped my hands around her and I said,

"I won't let those girls hurt you anymore, I will protect you till the very end."

That's the end, sorry for any grammar mistakes!

2018: how are y'all? Taking all non-honors for high school was a good move, barely any hwk :)

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