Sweet Kiss

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~Jungkook's POV~

"I want to confess to Y/n soon." I looked down clasping both of my hands together nervously.

"Kookie, do you even know what to say to Y/n?" Jin questioned.

"No, that's why I'm asking you hyung." I looked up at Jin, "Who confessed, you or Irene?"

"I did." Jin chuckled, "I was lucky that Irene felt the same way."

"What did you say to her?" I questioned.

"I just told her how I actually had a crush on her since she became the cooking club's leader. That was when she was a sophomore and I was a junior." Jin smiled, "She told me that she instantly fell in love with me when she first met me through Y/n."

"Hyung, I'm not good at confessing. Could you give me some advice?" I gently smiled.

"Just tell Y/n how you feel, be honest with her too." Jin pointed right at me, "especially when you treated her like trash before."

"Okay... I change my mind..." I said. Jin's eyes widened.

"W-what do you mean?" Jin questioned with a worried look on his face.

Did I say something wrong? Jin thought to himself.

"I'm gonna confess to her tomorrow instead of the last day of school!" I cheered. I looked at Jin to see that he a confused look.

"Why?" Jin asked.

"I'm impatient!" I got up and left, I peaked my head out the door frame and looked at Jin. "Thanks hyung!"


It was the next day, you were walking to school with your earbuds in listening to some GD. You entered the school gates and walked to the rooftop. You saw Jungkook feeling the breeze of the cold day. You walked to him and waved. He smiled at you.

"Y/n, can I tell you something?" Jungkook asked, you nodded.

"I know you rejected me the first time, why?" Jungkook looked down nervously.

"I was just so stressed out about that whole arranged marriage shit, I didn't know what I was saying." You crossed your arm, "Why are you asking Kookie?"

"I want to say something that I've been holding back for a long time." Jungkook placed his hand onto your cheek. "I didn't believe that I would ever have fallen in love with someone. All the other girls I dated, I didn't feel any spark with them. When I met you... I felt something that confused me, Y/n I didn't believe in the saying Love at first sight. When I saw you... I fell in love."

"Why did you treat me like garbage then?" You questioned. You crossed you arms and cocked your brows.

"I had never experienced love, I didn't know how to treat any girl I fell in love with. I never fell in love with anyone before." Jungkook looked straight into your eyes, you could see his dark brown eyes glistening in the sunlight. "Please forgive me."

"Of course I will." You wrapped him in a hug, your arms wrapped around his neck.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Y/n?" Jungkook whispered.

"I will, Jungkook." You replied blushing. Jungkook pulled away from the hug, he then cupped your face again and crashed his lips onto yours.

"YOU GO KOOKIE!" You both quickly pulled away to see Changwoo cheering and the others laughing. You both laughed and walked to the others.

"Is it official now?" Irene asked with a slight smirk on her face. You looked at Jungkook who had a huge smile sprung across his face.

"I guess it is." He held your hand in his warm hand.

"Mr and Mrs.Jeon~" Changwoo sang. "Yo~ you guys better get married, and make this boy right here... best man." Changwoo points at himself. You all laughed, the bell rang. Jungkook and you walked to class together with your fingers intertwined. You felt stares coming from every direction, Mina ran up to you looking angry. You felt scared for a little bit.

"What the hell?! How could you go and date Jungkook without telling me where he confessed!" Mina started to smile and giggle, "It would of been like watching a Kdrama live." Mina pouted. You laughed and hugged Mina. Mina waved goodbye and ran to class. Jungkook and you entered your classroom. You both talked because the teacher was running a bit late, you decided to show him some drawings you did. You took your sketchbook out and started showing him each of your drawings. Jungkook snatched your sketchbook out of your hand, he turned to the page with the drawing of him. He turned to you with a weird smile on his face.

"You have a drawing of me?" Jungkook stared at it, "when did you start it?"

"When I first met you..." You lowered your head in embarrassment.

"It's good!" Jungkook kissed you on your cheek in front of everyone. You felt your cheeks start to burn up, you slapped Jungkook's shoulder. He just started to laugh.

"Hey! Since you're now dating Jungkook, you can call off the marriage!" You turned to see Namjoon.


Jungkook, the others, and you started to walk to your house. You opened the front door, you saw your dad at the dinner table eating with your mom.

"Mom, dad... I would like to discuss something with you guys." They both just turned to look at you. "This is my boyfriend Jungkook." You walked next to him. "That's Yoongi's girlfriend Mina." You pointed at Mina. "Yoongi and I don't want to get married to each other, we have people who are special to us that we love. Please, call of the marriage." Your dad looked at Jungkook head to toe.

"You want to call off the marriage huh?"

2018: I'm actually dead inside

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