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Helena was at the police station for questioning.

They were almost ninety-nine percent sure that Helena killed her. They had some evidence, mainly that she was the last person Emily spoke to, Helena was the last one to see her, and Helena was the last person she had texted.

They also judged her on her past.

They thought she had inherited her mother's genes, and was taking after her mother. This made her cry even more. Poor Helena loved Emily with all her heart, and they accused her?! According to her parents, Emily never said that she was in a relationship, hell, she never said she had a girlfriend, so according to them, all of Helena's claims were false.

Of course, they can't arrest her.



Emily stroked Violet's hair, who was laid in her lap. Jason had let Emily's hands out of the wrap, which she later used to wrap up Violet's hand.

Currently, Violet was sleeping in Emily's lap as she sang and ran her hands through her hair. It comforted her that she had another human being to rely on, although she wished the young girl was safe at back to wherever she had come from.

The door slammed open and Violet stirred in her sleep, Emily then cradled her as Jason walked in.

"Brat," he mumbled, looking at Violet, "alright, you're going to have to let her go, I need her for a few minutes." Emily's grip didn't loosen.

"Hand her over." Jason growled, and ripped Violet from Emily's arms. Violet woke up and cried as Jason removed her from the room. Jason slammed the door closed, and Emily sobbed, fearing for Violet's life.

Violet had slowly become the sister she never had, and she would become insane if something happens to her.

Of course, it's Jason's house, so it's Jason's rules.

The Dark, The Deadly, And The Dangerous | Hemily AUWhere stories live. Discover now