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A/N: today's my birthday, so y'all get an extra long chapter aaaaay

Emily woke up to Violet being thrown onto her.

Had it really been only a few minutes? What is it was hours? Or days? What had happened to Violet when Jason took her away? Emily shuddered, and sat the crying Violet on her lap.

"What happened?" Emily asked sweetly while she stroked her hair, which she soon discovered that it calmed Violet down.

Violet opened her mouth, revealing the multiple teeth that were missing, and gums that were poorly stitched up. Then she lifted her foot, and Emily saw that three of her toes were missing on each foot. Emily cringed when she saw the holes in poor Violet's feet.

She ripped off a piece of her binds, and wrapped in around Violet's left foot, and did the same for the right. Violet started crying during the process, and Emily cradled Violet and stroked her hair when she was finished wrapping up her feet.

The door slammed open, and Jason walked in, "I need Violet. Give her to me."

Emily shook her head and pulled Violet closer to her chest, "Don't you see what you're doing? You're going to kill her! Her hand and feet are probably already infected, seeing that we're in this grimy room, and don't even get me started on her gums!" Emily yelled.

"That's enough, young lady. Give me Violet or I'll take you."

"Fine, take me."

Emily set Violet to the side, and stood up, walking over to Jason. He grabbed her arm, and pulled her out of the room, slamming the door shut.


Helena made sure that she had packed everything.

Her foster mom and dad's wallets, (A/N: in my head all her parents are dead, so she lives with another family, again; this AU does not align with all events in the real series), a crowbar, three notebooks, lots of writing utensils, all of the clothes that she owns, her phone and a charger, and most importantly, her foster dad's handgun. She slipped that under the clothes, just in case.

Helena had crept into the foster parent's room late at night, and took the gun and a silver locket. She trashed the picture of her foster mom's parents from the locket, and put a picture of Emily on one side, and a picture of both of them on the other. She used that to remember Emily's face, her eyes, her smile. She wanted her back.

It was currently ten o'clock at night, and Helena put on a black t-shirt and stretchy, black leggings, along with black converse. She had at least ten hair ties around her wrist, and she used a different one to pull her hair back. She threw the other thirty that were left over into her backpack.

Helena waited until she couldn't hear the television, and she couldn't hear the voices of her lousy excuses of parents. She crept downstairs, seeing that all the lights were turned off and no one was awake. She went into the kitchen, and into the freezer, where she had stored tons of food in plastic bags. Helena dumped it all into her backpack, along with a water bottle that filters the water that is put into it. She made a beeline for the front door, and ran into the cold, windy night.


Emily screamed and sobbed as Jason slowly cut a second tooth from the back of her mouth.

"Shut up!" He slapped her and Emily sobbed harder. He popped the tooth from it's place, and slowly removed it from her mouth. He stitched it like he was drunk, the needle piercing all around her mouth. He stopped and cut the string, and Emily cried harder.

"Shut up! Now!" He punched her in the temple, and Emily's whole world went black.

"Emily, Emily!"

Emily woke up in a hospital bed, with what seemed like billions of IV's stuck into her arms.

"Emily, Emily!"

It was Helena, she ran up to Emily's side and planted kisses all over her face.

"Emily. . Emily. ."

Helena's face suddenly drooped, and her teeth started falling out.

"Emily. . . Emily. . ."

Helena's fingers fell off, and her eyeballs rolled from their sockets. Emily screamed and cried, when Helena's face suddenly started glowing, then the glowing took over the whole room. .

"Emily, Emily!"

Emily woke up back in the grimy room, with Violet shaking her shoulders and saying her name.

"Oh Emily, you're awake!" She cried, and threw her arms around the older girl.

"Sh, it's okay, I'm alright." Emily hugged Violet into her chest, and stroked her hair. Violet shifted to a more comfortable position, and closed her eyes. Emily sang softly and continued to stroke her hair while Violet fell asleep. Emily leaned back onto the wall, and tried to get some sleep as well.


Helena ran until she neared the mall, where Emily was taken. She turned on her phone, and started to track Emily's. Since this is where she last saw her, she should start at the mall. Right? At least that's what she told herself. Helena continued to walk, her red dot almost reaching Emily's green dot, when her phone stopped working, and the little green dot disappeared.

"No, no, no!" She yelled, hitting her phone onto the palm of her hand. She groaned, but kept walking in the direction where the little green dot was hiding away.

But what she didn't know, there was a black and purple dot among the green one as well.

A/N; wow! exactly 900 words! i hope you enjoyed the super long birthday chapter! xx

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