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You wake up from a long day previous to a sleet storm. You look to your side to see that your husband is not there to yourself you wonder if he went to the company already even in sleet. "Jungkook! Baby are you here?!" You hear a groan come from the kitchen as if he was trying to open something and that's when you hear something fall.

"Shit!" You chuckle hearing him curse.

"Kook leave it alone here I come." You step down the stairs and he grabs you sitting you on the counter kissing your lips.

"Let me finish what I didn't get to yesterday cause we were disturbed." He lays you down and pushes up your shirt. "Don't worry about glass it was to get you to come down here." He kisses down your tummy pushing slightly on your soft spot. "Found it." He sucks on your soft spot leaving a purple ring on that spot. "You probably thinks it's to early in the morning. But I wanna do this before Angelica wakes up." You hear steps into the kitchen then see Angelica with her glasses on.

"Oh my goodness I'm sorry!" She covers her eyes and you face plant into Jungkook's shoulder. She runs back upstairs.

"Well that was awkward." He pulls your shirt off throwing it in the sink. "Oops. Look what I did." You sit there in your bright blue bra while he stares. "Let's go upstairs." He grabs you and you kick trying to get away.

"Kookie let go! We have guest!" He places you on your feet laughing as you repeatedly punch his shoulder.

"Stop the shoulder abuse!" He grabs your wrists pulling you to kiss him. "Now kitten go get Angelica."  You kiss him once more then go upstairs.

"Angelica." You creep in when you hear her on the phone.

"Tae babe. I'll have it over in a few days. Just give me time. I know your sick of waiting but you'll just have to if you want this done. Well you could've done it your self!! I'll call you back Bye baby." You scoff at her dropping the vase off of the table that Jungkook's mother gave you. You jump and Angelica comes to the door.

"Sorry I'm clumsy. Let me get a broom." You start to walk away when she grabs your wrist.

"Good morning." You look at her and her eyes glisten. She bites her lip walking past me. "I'll get it. You just be careful." You nod and she continues to walk.

"Don't wanna know not gonna ask. What was going on in her head." You go to Eliza's room and she sits up when you sit on her bed.

"Hi mommy." You grab her putting her on your lap. "Why did that girl that tried to hurt me come home with us?" You sigh knowing that question was coming sooner or later.

"Because she is a friend a friend who was in trouble so we needed to help. She was just having a hard time. She would do the same." Angelica listens as she holds a knife outside the door she starts to contemplate whether you really did anything wrong to deserve the death her and Taehyung wished up on her. She walks away as soon as you start to walk out. "Angelica! Wait can we talk?" She nods and you walk her to your office. Angelica hides the knife in her pocket.

"Angelica tell me why? Why do you want to hurt me? What have I done to deserve your hate? I know although we had that little moment in the hospital. I think it was the anesthesia messing with your brain. I over heard you this morning with Taehyung. Your boyfriend! Unless you want to stop trying to hurt me. I need you out of my house. You are a danger to my family and myself. So, what's it gonna be Ms.Park?" You walk out leaving her to think while you call your sister and Schuyler for a girl's day. Even in sleet everyone deserves some fun.

"So A'Riah why did you call us when we're supposed to stay at home?" You roll your eyes at Mariah.

"So I got Eliza back!" Mariah comes and grabs you and shakes you

"No no no!!! Bad news her daddy has been looking for her. Riah she didn't ask to come looking for you she ran away." You clutch your pearls and you remember how abusive her father was to you so you can only imagine what she went through. "A'Riah you're in trouble and so is Jungkook as long as you have her." Your tears start to flow. Schuyler and Mariah come over and hug you.

"It's okay baby we are here to help. So, this is what we're going to do. We are going to take Eliza back to her dad. After you get full custody of her!" You hold onto the bottom of your skirt when you see Angelica sitting on a park bench cold and wet. You feel pity towards her because you kicked her out in that cold but then on the other side of the street, you see Eliza in a raincoat with rain boots and umbrella holding Jungkook's hand as he smiles at her. Then the thought of Jason Blossom coming to get his daughter crosses your mind sending shivers down your spine. "Come on let's get you home. Jason won't touch you."

As you walk out of the cafe Jungkook's catches your eye smiling. You wave and Schuyler and Mariah pull you forward. "Come on girl. We gotta get Eliza." When you arrive at your home you soon find three unpleasant surprises.

Taehyung, Angelica, and....Jason

"Hey, baby you miss me?" You freeze in your tracks seeing your ex-boyfriend Jason who abused and hurt you in the past. "I see you moved on well. Married a rich woman I mean man and took Eliza back. Eliza was my only connection to you and you just took her!!" Everyone stood in place it was three of them and three of you guys but you weren't looking for a fight. Especially not with him.

But, before you continue let's rewind

Waiting//j.j.k.//{Editing}Where stories live. Discover now