The New Luna

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Luna's POV,

I woke up to a Howl and walked outside. "what is happening?" I asked my mother. " Roage attack!" I ran out of the cave to my father who was talking to the attacker. " what do you want?" my father asked. " I want to fight you future alpha." He yelled. "Never." My father growled. "Then my pack will distroy your's." he evily chuckled. I came out of the crowd. " I will fight him." I said loud. " Who are you pup?" The alpha of the other pack asked. " I am Lunis daughter and oldest offspring of the alpha of the Luner moon pack." I said with prid. he jumped down from the rock infront of me. " I alpha simen of the dark shadow pack challengs Lunis of the Luner moon pack to a fight. If I win you come with me and we will leave you pack in peace and if you win then my pack will join yours and I will leave for good." He said the last part with humor which made me mad. " I accept you challenge." I said loud and everyone gasped. I started circling him and growling and he soon joined. He pounced first I slid under him and bit his stmuch . He wimppered in pain and then I pounced and pinned him and he bit me right below my eye and kicked me off of him. He leaped and sunk his fangs into my sholder. I sreeched in pain. Then while he was gripped onto my sholder I turned and bit the back of his neck he didn't let go. " You will half to kill me to get me off". He mumbled while he was holding onto my sholder. I bit hard onto his neck in till he let go and I heard a snap in his neck and blood flowed into my mouth it tasted like metal and dirt I let go of him but he wasn't dead. I walked over to Meadow and Sunflower our packs healers. " Help him." I told them. " But you sholder". Meadow tried to protest."Help him he needs more attion then me." I told them. " Yes, Lunis." they responded. I walked into my cave and licked my wounds. Then Gold walked in. " You ok?" she asked me. " Never better." I responded hidding my pain. " If you've never been better then walk over to me." Said lightning with a frown. I stood and pain stot up to my sholder but I ignored it. If I'm going to alpha then I can't be weak. I thought. I walked to Thunder when i got to him I started leaning on him for support. " See i'm fine." I said. Thunder walked me over to my sleeping corrner and lied me down. He looked at me and started licking my sholder. I was about to protest but then my parents came running in. " OH MY GOD!" My mother yelled. " Crap." I said. " We need Sunflower and Meadow to fix you up. My mom started freaking out. I sighed and got up and limped over to her and brushed my head agenst her side. she calmed down ameditly."Mom i'm fine." I told her. I took a bandage and wrapped it around my wound. " You and Gold star aren't going to the school you're coronation is tomarrow." My father stated. " WHAT." Me and gold star started panicking. " How are we suppose to get all of the stuff by tomarrow?" Gold asked. " Leave that to me." I smiled I walked to thr mouth of the cave. "Follow me." I walked out to the bolder and climbed up it. " May I have everyones attention." After everyone Gathered. " When the moon hits the quarter mark in the sky I want all of the males on my cave for me to get them ready. Once I am done with all of the boys I want all females in there.

*******************************The next day***************************************

The next morning I got up and 15 Minuets later the males were here. first was my father I gave him his crown. With the rest of the males I made sure they were clean and if they wern't I had them go to the river and clean themselfs . Next were the girls we got pinecones and brushed eachothers fur. Then it was time. When I looked out of my cave every one was lined up as there ranks and the ones who I was giving ranks to. I started to walk to my father. When I got to him he began to speak. " I alpha Storm step down from being alpha and give my position to my daughter Lunis. You will know refure to her as alpha Lunis. he put the blue flower crown weaved with blue flowers and diamonds. " I Lunis will now present my new beta. My new beta is..........

Hey guys hoped you like my new chapter. In my other book I need another character for a bad guy if you have any suggestions please do tell. Any ways my friend Gold Star is probably going to be mad at me because of my cliff hanger . Can you guess who the beta is? if you want to comment on the sentence and take a wild guess. in till next time. BYE!!



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