Meet the packs

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Lunar moon pack members

Storm- Male Alpha- gray with white paws and black ears and blue eyes-14

Moon- Female Alpha- white with one black paw and silver eyes-13

Luna- The alphas daughter-grey with white paws and a white chest and one blue one silver eye with a moon print on her shoulder- 1

Grey- Luna's little brother- dark grey wolf with a white dot around the right eye with green eyes-2 months

Gloomy gold- Beta- tan with silver eyes-14

Gleaming star- Beta's wife- white with gold eyes-14

Gold star- Beta's daughter and luna's best friend-tan with a white muzzle and feet with one silver and one gold eye with a star print right below her eye-1

Dusk- Elder or wise wolf- darker tan with her back left paw and muzzle dark brown.-16

Midnight- Omega female- black wolf with white paws and a white chest light blue eyes-2

Lust- Omega female- a black, brown and tan wolf with hazel brown eyes-3

Bone- Omega male- A white wolf with tan eyes-2

daylight- midnights twin sister-white wolf with black paws and a black chest with light blue eyes-2

Eve-gold stars little sister and Greys mate- tan with green eyes-1 month

Sunshine-Eves twin sister- gold with silver and yellow eyes - same age as Eve

Lightning-Luna's mate- light gray with the left paw is dark grey and has a blue and green eyes-2

Thunder- Lightning twin brother- look's the same as lighting but his left paw is white- same age as lightning

Glitter paws- female omega- all black wolf with all four silver paws-1 month

Periwinkle- female omega- black wolf with yellow eyes 1 year

Sunny sky- female omega- gold wolf with yellow eyes-5 years

Rushing ocean- gold stars mate and leader of the hunters- light brown with a tan underbelly and a gold and a light blue eye with a wave mark on his flank-2

Crystal water- second in command in the hunters- a white wolf with baby blue eyes-1

Flowing water- Crystal waters mate and is hunter- light gray wolf with -2

Meadow- healer or medic- yellow wolf with green eyes-5

Sunflower- Healer or medic's helper-red wolf with amber eye-10 months

Rainbow sky-Glitter paws twin sister-mixed wolf with light gray eyes-1 months

Starry night- Lunas friend and Ivory's big brother- Dark grey wolf with greenish blueish eyes-1

Ivory- starry nights little sister-black wolf with pure green eyes-1 month

Blood moon pack members

Blood vapor- Alpha- red wolf with yellow eyes-5

Bloody night- female Alpha- dark brown wolf with gray eyes-4

Black star-Alphas daughter -dark grey wolf white cloudy eyes( she is blind)with three stars on her chest-1

Cross wing- Black stars little brother and alphas son- black wolf with a dark gray face and red colored eyes-1 month

Silver blood- Black stars mate- silver wolf with silver eyes-1 month

Black water-beta- black wolf with dark blue eyes-2

Blood moon- black stars helper/friend-red wolf with orange eyes-1

Hunter- male omega-brown wolf with dark green eyes-5

Fang-messenger-white wolf with dark grey eyes-4

Raven- hunter-black wolf with yellow eyes-2

Claw- hunter-light grey wolf with blue eyes-1

Sun cloud- elder or healer- tan wolf with a pink nose and is blind-3

Dark smoke-dark grey wolf with blue eyes-2

Frozen heart-light grey wolf with light blue eyes-1

Rain storm-red wolf with green eyes -3

Eclipse-black wolf with deep dark blue eyes-11 months

This is a list of some of the characters in this book there will be more pups. The numbers after there description is there age in wolf years.

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