Chapter 2

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I get to school in about 10 minutes. I walk into the office and give Ms.Wyatt a smile as I walk up. "James. You need to stop being late, otherwise the principal is gonna notice then question me.", she says giving me a pass for my 3rd hour class. "I know. My mom wasn't home last night or this morning, so she didn't wake me up.", I say in a frustrated way. "Yes, but this happened twice last week and twice the week before. Maybe you should get your mom some help.", Ms.Wyatt says. I don't think she meant that in a mean way, but it sure did come that way in my mind. I felt myself get very angry so I took my pass and went to class. Outside my class I punched the lockers and dented them. My knuckle quickly split and started bleeding. I walked into class and gave the teacher my pass. The teacher quickly notices my knuckles and asked if I needed to go to the nurse. I said no with a grumble and sat down. I'm staring at the black board when some girl next to me starts talking to me. "James. James. Yeah. Hottie. James!!!", she says and pokes me. "What do you want?", I ask in a angered tone. She stares at me. Her name is Fiona Brooks. The most popular girl in school. She's been trying to get with me for the past 4 years, since our freshman year. She's 5'5, long blonde hair, and brown eyes so dark they look black. Like usual she's wearing a mini skirt and a crop top. How don't the security guards call her out for that? "Hehe, I don't want anything silly! I was just gonna ask why you were late!", Fiona says in a happy tone. "Yeah. Uh, personal issues.", I say with a grunt. "Oh.. how's Roman?", she says with a blush. Oh yeah. Fiona has been trying to get with Roman too. But we made a pack that neither of us dates her, even though Roman has kissed her once or twice at a party. That's beside the point though. "He's fine. Can you leave me alone? It's been a long morning and I don't want to talk.", I say staring straight at her. Fiona smiles and says, "Oh sure, hehe!" and blows a kiss at me. I turn and roll my eyes and just sigh. I probably shouldn't have showed up to school, it's not gonna do anything for me. I put my head down and swiftly fell asleep. I woke up to a bell ringing. Next period. Great. My phone vibrates in my pocket. It's from Mom. "Hey baby, I'm sorry I didn't wake you. I was asleep, it was a long night. I see Roman's asleep on the couch. I told him to go sleep in the guest room but I haven't seen him move yet. Have a good day I love you!! xo" Once again, she's lying to me. I hate when she lies. Since she wants to lie to me, I guess I can too. I'm just gonna skip. I walked down the hall to where no security guards were and I left. There's a park a few blocks from school. I'll just go home at 3:50, even though school gets out at 3:30. I'm walking and I see the park in front of me. Freedom at last.

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