I know what you meant

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Brad's P.O.V

The boys have packed their bags and I have packed most of my stuff up for our move to London. They all go back to their houses tomorrow so we're going out for a party tonight, not sure why but we thought it would be fun! We have a week from when the boys leave until we leave for London, so I have a few days before I need to start packing! 

"We've all finished packing" James said walking in to my room 

"Cool, Charlie here yet?" I asked 

"Should be here soon" 

"Okay cool" 

"But someone is here now" James said before walking downstairs. Great I bet Theo's here to come and kick the shit out of me... I walked downstairs and didn't see what I thought I would at all,

"Mia" I whispered

"Can we talk, outside?" She asked and nodded before leading her through to the garden. We sat down and there was a silence,

"I didn't expect to see you today" I said

"I didn't expect to come" She shrugged back 

"What changed your mind?" 

"You, I thougth about what you said all night and you were right" 

"About what?"

"About Theo"

"Oh" I nodded

"I can't just end things with him though, not without a reason.." 

"Why do you need a reason?" 

"So I'm not the reason" I sighed 


"No it's fine, just forget I said anything, it was just me"

"It's not just you though" 

"Don't do this" I moaned

"Do what?"

"Pretend that it's not me thinking there was something going on between us, I don't need it"

"Brad I'm not pretending, I went to Theo because I was upset you weren't here" 


"I cried when you left, I didn't want you to go, I wanted you to be here, with me" 

"Why didn't you say anything?" 

"I didn't want to keep you from doing what you love, you really think I would stop you achieving what you've always wanted" 

"No but we could have sorted out something, you could have come and seen me, we could have worked it out" 

"And then what? You get bigger tour the world and I'm left here, the school girl fling that now means nothing" 

"That's not fair, you mean everything to me" I shouted standing up

"We can't keep doing this to each other" She sighed, "We try to sort things out and end up fighting again, all we'd ever do is fight"

"You really believe that?" 

"You don't?"

"No, I think we fight because we're angry with him not each other" 

"Why would i be angry with Theo?" 

"Because he doesn't love, you obiously want him to" 

"And you're angry with him because?"

"Because he stole you" 

"I'm sorry to interrupt but we need to get ready" Connor said walking outside 

"It's fine, I need to go" Mia said standing up

"Wait, join us" I said 

"For what?" 

"We're having a goodbye party" I said

"We'd really like it if you came" Connor nodded

"Ok, I'll come" She smiled

"But.." I started 

"I know, no Theo, I wasn't even thinking about it" She smiled before leaving 

"That was intence" Connor said as we walked inside 

"I'm guessing you heard" I said 

"You were yelling" He laughed 

"I need to stop that" I smiled 

"Yeah, might be a good idea" He laughed before we joined the others. Charlie left to go home and get ready with Mia. We had a few hours but Charlie wanted to make sure she had plenty of time to get ready as always. I was too busy thinking about what Mia and I had both admitted to. It didn't hit at the time as we were too busy shouting at each other. Thinking back over the conversation we both did say that we liked each other. I can't believe all this time I thought she never cared about me like that, she had and I left. I mean sure I never knew but she was right, I wouldn't stand in the way of her making her dreams come true. I needed to know that she still feels like that about me. She can't be brain washed by Theo all together. I need to know I can still get her back. I need to talk to her again, she has to know that I'm not going to give up. Not after all that's happened these past few days, I'm not ready. And neither is she. 


A/N - sorry it's a bit shorter than usual, hope your enjoying it though! 

You stole my girl - The Vamps - Brad SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now