♥Chapter Eight ~ Cross My Heart♥

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All day has been going by pretty quickly. This morning went by fast and now we're already in our PM classes. Luckily, our science teacher is absent so we have a substitute and that pretty much means the lessons aren't set and we'll have a free period. I don't have gym today, meaning I won't get to see Hannah, but thankfully Adam is in my science class, so now I have a chance to talk to him. I don't know why I've been so eager to talk to him lately.

I close my locker and I notice Samantha at the end of the hallway, leaning against the lockers like she doesn't have a class to be at. I roll my eyes and head toward my class. As much as I want to go over there and claw her eyes out, I won't. Once inside the class, I take my seat in the back of the classroom as everyone else sat in groups. It takes a few moments before Adam walks in and I sit up straight when he spots me and I send him a smile.

He grabs a chair from an empty desk and moves it over to mine. He doesn't have his shy smile that he usually has on his face. He gives me a small, fake smile before sitting into the chair.

"Hey," I smile at him.

"Hi," he says. For some reason, he sounds rather upset. I can tell by his poor posture that he seems down. His eyes look a bit red, almost like he has just woke up. He taps his fingers against his knees nervously and he looks back at me with his beautiful light brown eyes. I notice his eyes look a bit puffy and red, almost like he's been crying.

"Lauren, I can't go to the dance with you," he finally speaks after some hesitation. He grips his hair tightly as if he wants to pull it out. My eyes widen at the thought that he doesn't want to go with me. When I look at him, his eyes are looking down towards the floor like he doesn't want to look at my face. Almost like if he did look up, I'd be disgusted with him.

"But why?" I inquire, turning my body so that I'm facing him. I tuck my hands in between my thighs. He doesn't answer me, all he does is exhale like he doesn't want to say why. I start to feel a small anger building up inside of me. What did I do to make him not want to go?

"You don't want to go with me?"

"No, no! It's not that at all, Lauren. Please don't think that's the reason. I really want to go with you," he reaches over to me and puts his hand on my arm lightly. When he realized that he had his arm on me, he slowly takes it away.

"Then what is it?" I ask, sounding rather harsh without meaning to. He leans his elbows on his legs and runs his hands through his hair while exhaling.

"I can't go because—" he doesn't finish his sentence, instead, he looks at me with his beautiful eyes that are glistening from the light. I can't stay mad at him if I wanted to.


"I can't go because I don't have anything to wear," he admits. Relief flushes over me when he says that.

Did he really just get me all worked up for some clothes?

I feel bad that he doesn't have anything to wear, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't go to the dance. He doesn't even want to look at me, he's so embarrassed. I can see his cheeks becoming red from all of the embarrassment. No one else is around to hear, but if I spoke too loud, someone would be bound to hear our conversation. I move a little closer to him and put my hand on his knee.

"Adam, why didn't you just ask me to get you some? I can buy you something to wear," I whisper to him and he looks up at me in an instant.

"No, don't," he sits up quickly and my hand falls off of his knee. "You don't have to do that."

"I want to. I really want you to go with me. I want to have a good time and I know you do too."

"Please, Lauren don't," he begs. I exhale and turn away from him, leaning my head on my arms. I don't want to argue, I do enough of it at home.

"Lauren," Adam taps my shoulder. I turn my head to look at him. "I'm not trying to make up an excuse for me not to go with you, it's just that I honestly don't have clothes and if you buy some for me it's sort of...embarrassing. And I don't want you to go out of your way to do something like that."

I can understand why he may be embarrassed if I were to buy him clothes, it's basically like his mother going shopping for him. But I really want him to go and I'm willing to do it.

"I won't tell anyone, Adam. I promise, no one will know. Plus, I'll just get it on my way while I'm searching for a dress, it won't be a problem." I sit up and look him straight in his eyes.

"Promise?" He raises an eyebrow.

I reach over and grab his hand and I feel his body tense up immediately. I find it cute when he does that, especially when his face turns red. He looks up to me and I smile before hugging him tightly.

"Cross my heart," I pause for a moment before questioning. "Adam?"


"Have you been crying?" I question him, leaning back from the hug so I can see his face. He looks up at me and then averts his eyes like he's been revealed. It's silent for a moment until he finally opens his mouth.

"I-I'm fine," he hesitates.


"Are you sure? You look—"

"Lauren, I'm okay. Don't worry," I make a gloomy smile.

I don't like lying to her, I want to tell her the truth, but when she asks me that, I'm caught off guard. I didn't have anything else to say. I can't even think about last night because the warmth of her hand is sending electricity running through my veins. I can't help but tense when she grabs my hand. I don't know where all the nerves come from, but they are major when I'm around her and I can't help myself but to stutter when I talk to her. Sometimes, I can't even look her directly in the eye when I talk to her, not because I don't want to, it's just because I may pass out just by looking at her. She makes me forget about everything.

She moves closer to me and then suddenly takes her hand away from mine and wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly. I want to cry right there on her shoulder, but I can't. I'm not suppose to let small things like that get to me. I have to stop being so sensitive. But when Lauren hugs me, I do want to cry, not because I'm sad, but because I know someone actually cares about me instead of just asking if I'm okay and then walking away.

No, Lauren actually cares. She cares if I'm sad and she shows that by supporting me. I haven't even known her that long, yet, she cares like she's been my friend for years. She lets go of me and she smiles.

Her smile is radiant and can be spotted from a mile away. I have never felt this way about anyone before, no one has ever caused butterflies in my stomach or make my hands sweaty and shaky. I don't know how to act around her sometimes. I don't know whether to be happy or just flat out nervous. She's so different, and I like that about her. And everytime I'm around her, I keep asking myself the same question:

Do I have a crush on her?


AN: Okay everyone, here's chapter eight. Sorry it's short. Hang in there, only a few more chapters until it gets insane. You all have been great readers and I love that because it certainly puts a smile on my face. I haven't been in the best of moods lately, but when I read your comments and see how much you all love my work, I find it in me to smile. I'm trying my hardest to stay on top of things, especially with school as the number one priority, and things at home. :'(

I hope it gets better here and I have many people supporting me. Thanks for everything, you guys are awesome.

Another thing I just have to add! I'm at 935 reads right now? Are you serious? Wow! I'm on the road to 1,000 and that's just amazing. Thanks for helping me get so far with this story and I hope you all stay around until the end. I've never imagined getting this far, but you guys and gals are helping me accomplish the goal. Once again, I know I've said it enough, but thanks so much! Hope to see you in chapter 9.

Don't be afraid to message me, I don't bite...hard. :D

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