Jungle madness - Part 1

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I had done my best. But my best hadn't been much.

I had rushed to him as quickly as the increasing current in the small pool had allowed. Grabbed hold of him and tried to wrestle my way over to the waters edge. The torrential rain had flooded the pool now and created a current impossible to resist while I had the dead weight of Mr Rock Hard Ambrose to take with me. Though it was more like him taking me with him. He may have been unconscious but his heavy stony-ness dragged me with the current and sent us both sliding over the cliffs edge, I felt a painful ripping sensation down the expanse that was my back as we were pulled down...




Awakening from the darkness which had encased my mind right before I had even hit the water below. I looked around myself. I was spread eagle in the mud at the side of the river. Facedown. In mud. Marvelous.

I pulled myself up with a squelching sound then rolled onto my bottom and a searing pain travelled up my spine.

What had happened?

Well, there had been the bathing, the staring, the talking, kissing, grabbing, grinding, biting... The list does go on. A sarcastic voice in the back of my mind reminded me.

I meant after that! There was the muddy water... The rain... The piece of wood... Mr Ambrose fiddling with that blasted belt of his!

Mr Ambrose!

Frantically spinning around on my rump and then on to my knees and then feet I searched for the man for whom I had ultimately been thrown off a cliff for.

I searched for a while with no luck. The sun was going down and the shadows of the jungle grew until they consumed the ground completely.

That's when I stumbled over a rock and collided with it as I fell.

But wait. That's hair my hand landed on, wasn't it?

My eyes by now adjusted to the darkness, focused on what was beneath me and I instantly jumped up. The hand I had used to catch my fall had been pushing Mr Ambrose's face further into the mud.


Falling to my knees beside him I pushed with all my strength and managed to turn him onto his back. I shoved my face against his, listening for breath and then to his chest for a heart beat. I heard it! Relief flooded through my system.

I checked our surroundings while simultaneously dragging my employer to a dry patch of ground a few meters away. I noticed the downpour had ceased and it must have been a while ago as the jungle was dry in most places now. Or as dry as it could get here. 

How long had we been out? How far away from the tribe are we? It must be far if Karim had not yet found us.

'Oh God.' I muttered to the jungle at large. 'We're lost...! We're actually lost. Who knows how long we were out for? Or how far we were carried? We could be miles and miles away! Oh God, what do I do? What do I do?' I looked around myself as if that was gunna solve all my problems.

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