Homeless Ifrit (Part three) - Rough sleeper

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Hellooooo, Please forgive my tardiness in updating and the shortness of this chapter but the next is very nearly done too and will not be long so bare with :)

Thank you for the votes and follows guys I really appreciate it. Your all amazing!!!


Why did I not stay at empire house you might ask?


Well, with all the hubbub, confusion and stress of the whole situation and of course, the excitement, I had completely and utterly forgotten I even worked for a living. Forgotten completely the beautiful, hard, cold man whom awkwardly hands me a cheque every month looking like he's sucking on too many lemons at once... For the first night at least anyway.

I found myself a comfortable looking niche to sit in, wrapped myself up in my new coat and made camp. Right there in the vicinity of a quaint little church.

Laying on my suitcase by morning as the ground most certainly did not agree with my behind, St Pauls chimes began to rouse me from unconsciousness and by the time I had heard the 4th chime they had triggered and explosion in my head. All of a sudden the grand and intimidating façade of Empire house flashed in my minds eye, shocking me out of sleep and into harried thought and motion.

The fifth chime sounded and non followed, signalling 5am, very handy as there was no time to take my watch out to check, I had three hours before work. Meaning three hours to find somewhere, not so public, to clean myself up, change into mens clothes inconspicuously and then find Empire house since I have no idea which direction I walked in to find this place.

Luckily however, the church in which I had graciously blessed with my presence last night, was open early this morning, for only the lord knew I was sure, and so I was able to use the privy, clean up and since no one had been present when I entered, no one was there to bare witness to the oh so miraculous gender transformation which took place shortly after.    

With no money for breakfast I pinched a roll of bread on my way out of the church and started on my 20 minute journey to Empire House, as told by a passing knocker upper. As I walked in my new brisk pace, I vaguely recalled the day Monty had trailed me to work. That dark figure had looked so familiar but once again I could not put my finger on it. The thought had popped up rather suddenly and It remained as frustrating as it had been in the past.

With plenty of time to spare upon arrival at Empire house I thought it prudent to stow my suitcase out of sight, under the desk, It fit quite perfectly I might add, and busied myself with the early morning correspondence.

'The man' arrived not long after, entered my office for a reason I could not fathom until I spied the odd set of his eyes though, as soon as we were in each others sights he wiped it away like this mornings charity event invitations, continuing into his own office without pause.

What was that about?

Perhaps the detour was necessary as a change in scenery? The scenic rout, as it were.

 No doubt a devilishly devious smile now decorated my face as I thought that no, it most certainly was not for a change in décor, since the whole blasted building was exactly the same; austere and blank stone, and of course the main reason I knew was because this very austere but decidedly non- blank man would never in a million years waste time on such a frivolous operation. No indeed. He was checking who in this God forsaken hell hole would even remotely try to attempt arriving before his mightiness let alone succeed at such a conquest. 

Probably scared the poor bloke to death not being the first one to arrive in the office for the first time in his life. He wont be the last to leave tonight either.

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