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Jake is holding two vlog cameras "Basically, Audrey is having a hard couple of days and so last night Tessa and her, had a sleep over and we are going to do the buried alive prank." Jake tests out a siren "That's a good ambulance noise, right ?" he asks the Martinez twins, they all walk up to Audrey's room and Jake realizes "We need more blankets." they go to his room and grab some more "Always plug." he says as he grabs onto a Disney plaid "Ok so... there's underwear in there ?" he says and throws it out of the heap of covers "The buried alive prank is where you go into someone's room, while they're sleeping, you put a ton of blankets over them, it's like a lot of weight and like pressure and they feel like they're in a coffin and guys, this would only work because like- they're just waking up... and then they're still asleep while all this weight is on them and you play an ambulance noise, and then you talk like 'it's going to be okay, it's gonna be okay' 'they're going to make it through it, they're going to make it through it and then they freak out. Alright, so let's see what happens." he tells the vlogs and the twins, when they enter the room, the twins start laying the blankets on the two girls, Jake puts his speaker in place and puts Audrey's camera facing the bed on the TV cabinet, while the twins get ready, holding onto the covers "It's gonna be ok ! It's gonna be ok !" Tessa starts screaming and wiggling panicking, while you can hear Audrey breathing heavily and letting out a little scream, seemingly calmer than her friend "It's gonna be ok ! It's gonna be ok !" he presses down on the covers and brings the speakers closer to their heads "It's gonna be ok !"

Tessa manages to pull the covers off and falls to the floor "What the heck ?!" she screams "What the heck, Jake ?!" 

"Yo, yo !" he yells as she tries to hit him and then goes to the twins to hit them, Jake then turns his camera to Audrey and notices that she had her face turned away from him and her shoulders were trembling, he crawls on the bed and gently turns her face to him and notices the silent tears running down her face "Yo, sorry." he says taking her into his arms and hugging her tightly close to his chest, his head resting above hers, rubbing at the revealed skin of her waist that was showing since her tee shirt was slightly raised

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