The Lucky Streak ★ izzywriter

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Genre: fanfic

Summary: Bucky Barnes deserves luck. After all the ex-Winter Soldier has been through, none of his friends could disagree with this statement, least of all his best friend, Steve Rogers.

When St. Patrick's Day comes rolling around, Bucky forgets all about it. After all, he and Steve are just starting their undercover lives in a sleepy town in South Carolina, trying to stay under the superhero radar.

However, someone hasn't forgotten about him.

Bucky suddenly finds himself with extreme luck, his good fortune affecting everything he does. So he decides to create a bucket list - things he has always wanted to do - and picks one to focus on before this strange luck runs out.

 So he decides to create a bucket list - things he has always wanted to do - and picks one to focus on before this strange luck runs out

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Here's the list of things for one of your characters. I'm not sure what handwriting you want, though, so I got this. See if you like it. :)

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