The Transformation

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The next day, Caroline woke up and took a bath. When she put on her lenses and looked herself in the mirror, sheh couldn't recognize herself. Her dry mistreated hair became to beautiful red curls, her eyelashes were longer, and her gained color. You could know that she had drank the potion because of her change of eyecolor. If anybody drank the potion, their eyes would turn into an unusual green color. 

Caroline was so happy with what happened. She went downstairs for breakfast and when her mom saw her she let go a loud shout.


--Good morning mom.

--What happened to you?


--Well its not that you don't look pretty, but this isn't you.

--It is mom. Can you just relax.

She gave a big bite to her biscuit with jam and then got out of the house. When she entered the school no one  could take their eyes off of her. She was almost dazzling, except for her clothes. The rutine didn't change a lot, except for all the looks and the scretes everyone seemed to be whispering when they saw her.

When Harry saw her, he just couldn't believe it. Amanada noticed Harry's expression when he saw Caroline and she got a little mad. "What happened to the freak!?" said Harry. "I dont know, but I'll find out." said Amanda in a super low voice.

Caroline went back home and sat on the table for eating.  That day Caroline was always smiling, and that was something tha Caroline didn't do very often. After eating. Caroline went to her room and took all the money she had. She said goodby to her mom and went to the shopping mall. She didn't buyed a lot, justa a pair of sunglasses, some jeans, a dress and a cute shirt. That was all she needed because she was planning to keep using her old clothes. She didn't bought make up, she definitley didn't need any.

When she arrived home, she took the scissors and the sewing machine. She started  to transform her grandparent clothes and at teh end she had original classic clothes. Caroline liked the potion more everytime, it had made her beautiful, happy and crative. She couldn't belive that the potion could do anyting else for her, but she was about to proove she was wrong. 

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