Chapter 5

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Ale P.O.V

My first P.O.V -HAPPY DANCE- Otay otay, me back.

Well, I just got done with dance class. And I know how L.Joe and Evee don't get along so I went straight to the guys flat. I have a key, well duhh. I'm like family. Min Soo and I have been dating for 2 1/2 years. Oh yea babiez, be jealous :3.

Anyways, I walked in the house and it was quiet. Too quiet. No fussing, no yelling. Just plain silence. Maybe they're sleep. I'll check on them but I'm kind of dehydrated. I walked toward the kitchen and I couldn't believe my eyes. Eve was sitting on the counter and L.Joe was bettween her legs.. THEY'RE DATING AND DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!

Me: What the hell!

Eve: -jumps and almost fall-

L.Joe: -catches her-

Me: I can't believe this.

Eve: Ale...

Ale: How could you two be dating and not tell me!.

L.Joe: Wait...what!

Eve: You can't possibly think I would date a jerk like him.

L.Joe: You think I would date Four Eyes?? That's so effin' funny man I swear.

Oh jesus are they in denial or something?? Or are they really not dating. Never know dealing with these two

Eve P.O.V

How could Ale get the impression that me and L.Joe are- nevermind. Wait, what just happened back there. Were me and him were actually about to kiss. My heart was beating fast, my palms were sweaty, and my head was spinning. Was I catching feelings. ...........NAHHH. Maybe we was just caught up in the moment. ..........were we??.

Ale: Evee!!

Me: Huh, what??

Ale: You okay??

Me: -sighs- Yea.

Ale: It's getting to you, isn't it.

Me: Yea. I don't get it though. The moment felt perfect, but then it felt wrong. And I know that I couldn't possibly fall for him

Ale: I know what you mean.

Me: You do?

Ale: Yea. It was like that with me and Min Soo. Me and Chunji are bestfriends since we were little toddlers. I moved to Korea and we met up. He brought me around the boys and I got along with everyone except C.A.P

Me: Wait, does that mean that me and-

Ale: It doesn't mean anything babe. Your heart chooses who it wants to choose.  I mean who knows? You might fall for Ricky

Me: Now that you mention it, Ricky is kinda cute

(Author: Aye folk. That's my baby. He isn't kind of cute..He sexy asf)

(Go Away author! You annoying. The girls from The Block B Story told me.)

(Author: Ohh. Okay, you rude and they rude. I quite!)

Ale: Eve!!!

Me: Huh what??

Ale: You okay, you kind of zoned out.

Me: Yea, I was talking to that annoying author.

Ale: Oh, She's nice to me :)

Me: Whatever. What was you saying again?

Ale: Oh. I said that Ricky isn't just kind of cute, he hella fine


Niel: -walks in- Who hella fine

Ale: Ummm...

Me: Nemo

Niel: -chuckles- I heard everything Minnie. I was sent home to get L.Joe, so where is he.

Ale: Upstairs.

Niel: Minnie, what happened to your lip.

Shit. I'm busted.

Me: Ummm....

L.Joe: She fell.

Where the hell did he come from??

Me: Yea, I fell.

Ale: -coughs-

Niel: Okay then

Me: -jumps on him- Pickles!!!! I...missed....yoooouuuuuu!!!!!!!

Niel: I missed you to Minnie but we have to go. We'll be home no later than 9

Me: Promise

Niel: Promise

You guys seen he promised. They left and me and Ale just goofed around the entire time.

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