Chapter 23

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{{You guys been wondering who my bias is right??? Maybe I'LL tell ya at the end of the chapter ;)}}

Eve P.O.V


I woke up in a clusterd pile. I sat up and remembered what happens last night.  All I know was that we were to tired to go upstairs so we just collapsed on the floor. I just sighed and got up.

Me: pssp, Ale, Nene, wake up.

Ale: -sighs loudly-

Nene: -gets up- What the hell did we do last night??

Me: I don't remember it all. Let's just get them up

Ale: -smiles eavily- Yah get up -kicks them-

Nene: Haha, this should be fun

We all just started kicking them. I couldn't stop myslef from laighing. Before I knew it, I was pulled down ontop of someone. I groaned and looked up

Me: Aish pickles. The hell was that for??

Niel: Mian- You shouldn't have kicked me

Changjo: Ooww!  Ale stop kicking me~ -whines-

Ale: Heheeheee -kicks him-

C.A.P: - pulls her down-

Ale: -punches him- That hurt you dipshit

C.A.P: Mmhmm -kisses her-

Chunji: Ewww, get a room~

Nene: That's what we look like when we kiss babe.

Chunji: Nu-uh, we look sexier than them

Nene: -laughs-


Chunji: -chuckles and kisses her-

I giggled and rolled off of Neil and stood up. While the girls were making out and the guys were gagging,  I snuck upstairs to get the first shower. I thought I walked into the bathroom by myself buuutttt, I was wrong as usual. My back was pinned against the wall by none other than Mr.L.Joe himslef

Me: -giggles- Joe. I need to get ready now mooovvveee~

L.Joe: No fair. Chunji and C.A.P get a morning kiss and I get nothing

I just chuckled and switched positions with him.

Me: Well if you wanted one, all you had to do was ask -smiles-

L.Joe: Well, can I have kiss -smiles-

Me: Hmmm, NUPE!

I started to push him out while he whined.  I just chuckled and got him out the door. But, he turned around and stopped it before it closed all the way

L.Joe: Wait~

Me: Whaaatttt~

L.Joe: -kisses her-

Me: -shocked-

L.Joe: -smirks- Close your mouth babe -leaves-

What the fuck just happened??

Ale P.O.V

I sat downstairs with everyone else. It's a Saturday and this is what we do. Stuff our face with junkfood and be good for nothing lazies. Out of no where, the door bell rings.  I get up to answer it and it's some random mail guy

Me: May I help you??

MG: Package for  Eve Scott

Me: It for chu Evee!!

Eve: -gets package- Thank chu

We continued watching t.v till we heard Evee shriek.

Eve P.O.V

I got up and signed the paper or whatever and took my package from the Random but good looking Mail Guy. Huh, never seen him around before. OH WELL ^-^

I opened the package and found a note

Dear Eve Scott,

I see you got my package. I will get back what belongs to me. Nice promise ring by the way. Oh, tell Ale and Nene I said congratulations and I'll see you at the wedding doll. I hope you like the flowers. My girls helped me pick them out. XOXOX

                ~Miss A♥

What....The hell. I unwrapped the paper in the box and found a bunch of dead roses. I stupidly picked up one but a thorn stuck deep into my finger.  I shriek in pain and dropped the box.

Changjo: Are you okay??

Me: My finger hurts

L.Joe: -looks at it- That's pretty deep. And it bleeding quite a bit

Niel: I'll take her to get bandaged

He dragged me upstairs with him as everyone crowds around the box.

Nene P.O.V

When Niel took Evee upstairs,  I picked up the box and red the note. Then I looked at the roses. Ale picked up a rose and looked at it carefully.

Ricky: Who would do something like this??

Ale: -squeezes rose- Suzy!~

Chunji: Ale......your hand

Ale: - drops rose- I don't care. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us.

Me: -smiles big- Time for a new plan

C.A.P: But first, you get your hand bandaged

Ohh, we about to raise all hell up in this place. Watch your back Miss A ^-^

Ale P.O.V

That bitch Suzy wanna play games. I got a game just for her call Bitches no more. I always win so this should be a peice of cake. And if her girls wanna get in the way, they get go bye bye too. Look out Miss A ♥

Eve P.O.V

I'm beyond pissed now. She already wrecked her relationship with Oppa and now she wanna destroy mine.  Baby must be brain dead to ever think imma let her ruin something perfect. 

I'm about to go full out evil on her ass and the rest of them dumb ass girls. Blood will be shed for sure and if I possible, live will be lost. I don't play when it comes to the people I love.

I'm coming for you Suzy and it won't be pretty ♥♡ :) ;)

AN:/ My fav is ..........I'm never gonna tell ya. ahahahah. Another boring late update for you guys. Oh well, Till Next Time


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