Chapter 25

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Ale P.O.V

Currently,  we're all at the movies.  I forgot what movie we was watching. We wanted to see a different movie from the boys so we just split up.  honestly,  I don't care what movie we say as long as I get candy

Niel: Oh, don't give Minnie any candy

Eve: Shuddup pickles . I'm able to have candy

Niel: No she's not. She'll have a sugar rush then crash

Nene: Don't worry, we won't give her any candy

Eve: Ugh, let's just go -glares at niel-


Eve P.O.V

I was really into the movie, stuffing popcorn in my mouth non stop untilbi heard snickering and giggling behind me. I turned around and made eye contact with Miss A's one and only Bae Suzy. I smirked abd turned back around

Me: She's here

Ale: Yes. Now let's start shall we??

I giggled and got up to go to the ladies room. My phone vibrated,  I took it out my pocket and read a message

From: AleBoo♥

To: CupcakesEvee

She's on her way

I smirked and waited. When she walked into that ladies room,  I stood on the opposite wall from her.

Suzy: Hello to you too Eve

I scoffed and looked in the mirror to fix my lipstick

Suzy: You know,  I should thank you for holding Joe down for me while I was gone.  Don't know why he picked someone like you though.  - walks around her- Such a shame he's gonna, have to let you go. Oh well, not like he loved you anyways.

I've had enough of her blabbering now.  I pushed her harshly against the wall and she groaned In pain.  I just smirked.

Me: He doesn't love me huh? Then why is there a promise ring on my finger huh. explain that for me

Fei: - walks in- What the hell

Ale: Move bitch - pushes her- Haha yes Evee, snap her neck!

Nene: Ani Eve. You saud no one was getting hurt

Me: You right. I did say that.

Min and Fei walked over to Suzy to help her for no apparent reason.

Jia: The guys are coming

Fei: I get to see Chunji again ^-^

Nene: Nevermind. Someone gon get hurt and her name is Fei

Me: Nu-Uh sweetie. If I can't hit Suzy, you can't hit Fei. Oh -reaches in purse- Here's your roses back

I dragged Nene and Ale out the bathroom and we seen the boys up front.

L.Joe: Ready to go babe.

Me: - takes his hand- Yea~

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