Chapter 1

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My thoughts tried to chase after my bodies' movements, but it was going too fast. Before I knew it, I had swung myself down the train aisle and lunged into the last free space, just as a gentleman was about sit down. As I had swept my way under him to sit on the seat, he was left precariously hovering in mid air. If he shifted any lower, he'd end up sitting on my lap, which admittedly, wouldn't be that bad. In fact, now the thought had crossed my mind, I'm left wondering if that had been my intentions all along.

The man, evidentally startled, lurched forward away from me, swiftly spinning on his heels to meet my gaze. His oceans of an eye were wide with shock and confusion, yet somehow looking like they were only politely asking what my intentions were.

"Sorry sir, I- I didn't realise you wanted this seat," he said shyly, obviously not one for confrontation, which contrasts with myself, despite him being in the right. This only added to the attraction.

I let the grin break out of my face, my eyes crinkled in joy at seeing him misinterpret the situation and being so sweet about the circumstances. His eyes flashed with curiosity and enhanced in confusion as he heard the giggle slip past my lips.

"No, no you have the seat," I smiled, raising to my feet and shuffling around him so the pathway to the booth was free. He tilts his head slightly, making his jet black fringe flop further over his forehead. I can just see the questions bubbling inside his handsome head.

He opens his mouth, before freezing as he has no plan of what to say, just wants to ask all his questions at once.

Before he decides to bombard me with questions, I beat him to the punch, putting him out of his misery. "Honestly, I just wanted an excuse to say hi to you."

My grin doesn't falter as his nicely shaped eyebrows shoot upwards at my words. This only makes another giggle slip out my mouth at his innocent shock.

"Hi," I giggle, my grin somehow deepending. Apparently it's contageous because the next thing I know, the brightest smile I've ever seen on a person breaks out across the mans' face. His tongue rests between his teeth in an adorable way, his eyes squinting and shoulders shaking slightly from laughter.

"Hi," he breaths out through his bright laughter.

"You can sit down now, sorry for interrupting you," I politely say, gesturing for him to sit down in the free space.

"No, I dont mind really. I can stand," he replies, his eyes still filled with amusement which I find extremelly captivating. I can't look away from his eyes. At first I thought they were a light blue, now I can see that there's also green and yellow incorporated, like an artist had laid down a bright blue base and then flicked hints of mint green and an intense gold throughout the canvas. I wonder if I can count all those gold specks. Lets see, there's one, two, five then there's a cluster of around six in the cornor above the pupil. Hmm, thats strange. There's no cluster in his right iris; just the left...

"No, you spotted it first," I breath destractedly, my voice quiet and the tiniest half smile drifitng along my lips. I'm somehow looking up at him through my thick eyelashes, despite me being slightly taller.

"You have it. I don't mind," he politely smiles, his voice sounding far away from me as I'm so concentrated on his eyes. I find my self unconsciously nodding my head and obediantly sitting down, all the while still holding his gaze.

12, 13, another cluster of 3... 17, 18... wait is that that one green or gold? I think it might be a blend of the two...

My gaze finally snaps from his as I feel the train lurch to a halt. The man stumbles slightly, before regaining his balance by holding onto the rail. The lady sitting across from me at the booth swiftly stands up, walking out the carriage and down to the exit as this is obviously her stop. This means my carriage is empty considering it only fits two people, one of which just left.

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