Chapter 3

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"No, Phil. Not there. Move it to the left," I thoughtfully instruct, trying to decipher the best position for the rug to be in. It may not seem important, but a millimeter to the right or an inch rotated can really make or break the goal of bringing the room together.

"Dan! It was like that a second ago, but you made me move it to the right. Just make up your mind, women!" Phil whines, but obediantly nudges the rug to the left anyway.

"You don't understand the importance of precision. Decoration is an art, you can not rush it," I chastise, dismissively waving him off as I continue to focus.

"You're making me regret ever inviting you in. My playstation arrived half an hour ago. I could be playing Halo right now!" He huffs half-heartedly. The truck with all his belongings had arrived a fair bit of time ago, but he just dumped it all in his room muttering a, 'I'll get to organising later.' Since then, I'd been adjusting the cushions and rug in the most complimentairy position possible.

"Oh, please. I'm much more entertaining than Halo. Now rotate it anticlockwise slightly... just a little bit more. Yeah... nearly... that's the one!" I happily exclaim, clapping my hands together in satisfaction.

"Finally!" Phil collapses onto the the white couch, pretending to be exhausted. I frown as I see the pillows dip and move slightly from Phils' impact, but shake my head, telling myself I'm being ridiculous. I take a seat next to him tentatively.

"How's about some Halo now?" I suggest, before a wave of anxiety washes over me. Fuck, he probably wants me gone now. I've outlonged my stay... what if he wanted me to leave hours ago and I just kept hanging around like an unwanted bad smell? Shit, ok, I need to go. He probably wants time by himself. What if he hates me? What if he wants to get rid of me but is too polite to ask me to leave? I should've thought about this an hour ago!

I rush to say, "unless you want me to go now. Sorry, you probably want time to yourself now. I should probably get going now anyways. I've got a... I've got my laptop waiting at home for me. It's probably missing me. Um." You're LAPTOP? Well done you fucking genius. Way to show how lonely you actually are.

I stand up going to grab my phone resting on the kitchen bench, hiding the impressive tint of red covering my face. However, my arm freeze's mid air as I had reached out to grab my phone but was halted by Phil's laughter.

"Dan, I don't know where you got that from, but I'm actually really enjoying you're company, so you can stay if you like. Unless your laptop needs feeding or something. It probably hasn't seen you in a while. It must be worried." His laughter makes me flush once again and I can even feel my ears heating up with embarrassment.

I finally turn around to address him, exasperatedly running my hands down my face and moaning a, "shut uppp. Don't judge me for my social inept."

"Don't worry, I'm not judging you, just making fun of you," he jokes, making a small smile tint my lips.

"Oh, yeah. That's so much better. Thanks for the reasurrance, Phil," I sarcastically joke, rolling my eyes as an added measure.

He just winks at me before we both fall into laughter, mine being a quiet chuckle as remaining embarrassment still haunts me, whereas Phil is having a good, hearty hoot over there.

"So, you gonna stay and play some Halo?" Phil questions, after our laughter had ceized.

"Yeah, sounds good." A genuine smile finds it's way onto my face.


"I should probably go now," I solemly tell Phil, giving him a sad half smile.

Phil and I had been playing video games for four hours now, the whole time trying to sabotage each other, bantering and joking like we'd been friends for years. It was strange how easily I got along with him. I'd never felt this comfortable around anyone outside my family. It was refreshing.

Aside's from when Anxiety decided that their imput was more valid than mine. I'd been swamped with 'you idiot! He's gonna hate you now!' And 'fuck, why'd I do that?' And 'he's just being nice, he probably thinks you're a loser' for hours. I managed to compose myself though, not letting my inner torment show.

Though none of this was new to me, I'd been feeling this way since I could remember. So I carried on like normal. It was getting dark now, meaning it's my cue to go home. I don't want to be walking home in the dark.

"Yeah, you're Laptop is probably starving by now," Phil jokes and I laugh along with him, despite it being fake. I didn't want to be reminded of my stupidity again, my brain already occupied that job.

"Yeah," I let the false sounds of my laughter die down, "well it's getting dark now. I'm not a big fan of walking around London at night."

"Right, of course. I'd walk you home but I think I'd get lost on my way back," Phil jokes. "But, it was lovely meeting you, Dan. I hope to see you again."

He's just saying that to be polite. He can't be more happy that you're leaving.

I bite the inside of my cheek. Hard. It somehow helps to rid that all-too-familliar voice, meaning I can let out a genuine smile.

"It has been lovely, Phil Lester. Thank you for having me," I sincerely say, feeling the anxiety gnawing away in my gut. I want to ask him for his number so that I can contact him in the future, but my anxiety is telling me that he'd just give me a fake one, so I don't bother asking.

"Could I get your number? So we can keep in contact?" Phil questions, surprising me immensely.

Hah. Fuck you anxiety, he does want to talk to me.

"Yeah, yeah. Of course," I try not to stutter, or fumble as I grab my phone from my pocket. Only after managing this task do I realise I didn't need to get my phone out when I know the number off by heart. I quietly shit myself for a second, before quickly thinking of a cover up and saying, "flick me a text now and I'll add you as a contact," before reciting my number to him. A second later, my phone buzzes with a text from an unknown number. The text reads, 'Hi, Dan. Phil here.'

I quickly add him as a contact before typing out my reply of, 'Hello Phillip, how do you do?' And sending it.

Phil laughs when he reads my text and straight after my phone buzzes with another message.

From: Phil Lester ^.^
Sent 5:43pm

Ich bin sehr gut, und dir?

I smirk at this. Oh, Phil thinking you're so smart speaking German. Two can play at that game.

To: Phil Lester ^.^
Sent 5:44pm

Ich bin gut auch, danke.

My ears are graced with the sound of Phil's beautiful laugh. I look up at him with a smile, our eyes locking.

"You speak german as well?" Phil questions.

"A little bit," I smile back.

To: Phil Lester ^.^
Sent 5:46pm

Well, I best be going. Solutations to you, good sir.

I watch as Phil smiles at his phone as he reads my text, before typing out a reply to me which I soon get.

From: Phil Lester ^.^
Sent: 5:46pm

Ok then :( tell you're laptop I say hi and be safe on your walk home.

I look up at him, a bright smile sparkling in my eyes as I'm overwhelmed with happiness. He put a frowny face! He's sad you're leaving! Maybe he doesn't hate you then.

"Honestly, thank you Phil. I hope to see you soon," I gratefully say, standing my the door now and opening it up. Just as I'm about to step out of his apartement, he surprises me by lunging forward, wrapping me up in a hug.

"This is the most fun I've ever had," he whispers into my shoulder. I clasp my arms around his back, holding him closer. I shut my eyes tightly, bathing in the reassuring embrace and enjoying being engulfed by comfort.

"Me too, Phil," I whisper back, sad to be leaving. Why does it feel like I'm leaving my best friend that I won't see for years? When in actual fact I'm saying goodbye to a person I just met today, they I could possibly be seeing soon.


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