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"It's not the goodbye that hurts but the flashbacks that follow

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"It's not the goodbye that hurts but the flashbacks that follow."

Chapter One

Hope is the key to solving any problem, that's what her father used to say when things went wrong. But unfortunately, it didn't fix her pain. For as long as she can remember people kept letting her down. She had convinced herself it was a curse: it had made things easier.

She wouldn't call her childhood a golden one, it was far from it. It had its good days and of course, it's darks. And this was the darkest.


      Emerald green grass swayed in the tropical planet of Takodana. Clouds were raging upon the once clear blue sky.  A storm was coming, but it wasn't any kind of storm: it was a storm that only a few can sense.

        A little girl no older than the age of fourteen ran towards her home as the dark Imperial shuttle flew over her. She knew he was there: she could sense his dark presence coming closer. She needed to warn her father before it was too late.

         The cold wind blew her dark caramel brown hair all around her face, making it difficult to see. Her lungs burned from Climbing the steep hill towards her house, with the little energy she has left. After the long run to her house, the girl punched in the password and carefully slides through the doors to her house.

     "He's ... here  I-l felt him."  The girl panted, her lungs still burning from her attempt to run faster.

    "I know My little Starlight,"  Her father knelt to his daughter level, "now I want you to pack your things an-"

    "Papa, I finished packing oh." A boy with sandy blond hair burst into the room, with a tan knapsack flung over his shoulders...

  "Killian go and help your sister pack her things hurry now we don't have much time." Their mother quietly ordered, pushing them towards the girl's bedroom. The boy nodded in obedience.

       As the two siblings made their way, the girl glanced back at her father. She noticed that he was having a conversation with an old family friend Saw Gerrera. The girl snapped out of her daze the moment she heard her brother's voice. "Come on Cryst."

     Entering her room, the girl immediately started packing what was important to her to take.  There was nothing valuable in the room; just a few childhood toys and a few pieces of clothing.

BEAUTIFUL DISASTER| C. ANDOR 💫Where stories live. Discover now