5. Falling Apart

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I'm quite proud of this chapter, I hope you all like it (:

Don't forget to vote and comment!


*Larissa's P.O.V*

My life back at home wasn't great. My dad left my mum quite a few years ago when I was 12. He would abuse her and he never really took an interest in anything about me. The only thing he did was provide a shelter for us - until he found out my mum was pregnant with my little brother Jaylan, and he packed his things as soon as mum went into labour. He left her to single handedly bring up Jaylan and provide for me at the same time. Ever since my dad left mum, she has become a weaker woman. She no longer has a job and she now drinks when she's in one of her moods. She gets aggressive and has lashed out at me multiple times, but I know she doesn't mean to hurt me.

Jaylan is petrified when my mum is aggressive, he cries himself to sleep at night and so he sleeps in my bed which helps calm him down. It kills me, seeing Jaylan having to grow up with the same fear of getting beaten just like I did, and I have promised to myself that I will buy me and him a new flat and go to court for custody over him when I'm 18. It's not safe for him living here anymore.

Although I love my mum to pieces, if she carries on the way she's going, it's just going to make living here even more unsafe for me and Jaylan, I don't want to end up having to file for custody over Jaylan just to ensure his safety.. i don't want to leave my mum. But I know that if worst comes to worst I'm just going to have to do what's right - and that means keeping Jaylan safe.

I slowly shuffled towards the front door and stepped inside the house (which was strangely unlocked) trying hard not to be heard. I tiptoed up the stairs and straight to my brothers room - he wasn't there. I opened my bedroom door to see him fast asleep with my teddy which he particularly liked. Like most 5 years olds, Jaylan didn't enjoy sleeping in his own bed - he preferred mine. I perched on the end of the bed so that I didn't startle him, and gently nudged his shoulder. He stirred slightly before opening his eyes and wining. I picked him up and held him in my arms for him to relax.

"Wakey wakey Squidge" I whispered.

"Mummy has gone out" he said rubbing his eyes.

Mum has a tendency to leave Jaylan alone, but not without locking the doors and windows. I sighed and gave him another hug.

"I'm sure she'll be back soon" I comforted

"Do you want me to make you a special sandwich with your favourite teddy bear shaped ham?" I asked watching his eyes expand with joy.

"YEAH!" he shouted grinning from ear to ear.

As I followed Jaylan down the steps, I couldn't help but wonder if my mum would ever get better again. Deep down I know she's a good mother, when I was younger me and her were inseparable. But thanks to my 'dad' we no longer have a close bond. I just wish she could be as much of a good mum to Jaylan as she was to me when I was his age. I knew she couldn't be until she was better.


"Larissa... LARISSA!" my mum shouted from the living room.

I quickly stopped what I was doing and ran down the stairs to greet her.

It turns out she had gone to do some food shopping and brought back several bags of food. She dumped them in my arms and went to sit down. I slowly walked to the kitchen and began to unpack the bags of food and place them in the cupboards and fridge. I didn't mind doing things for mum, but I knew that if I didn't she would probably slap me or lock me in my room for a number of days like last time. I'm really quite skinny for my age, as I don't tend to have an appetite and when I do it's normally when I'm locked away in my room. People make fun of my figure every now and again, and it effects me as I hate getting unwanted attention because I'm extremely shy and socially awkward. I have taken the comments too seriously before and ended up harming myself as a result, although I really try hard to not do that unless I have a bad urge. I must be a good liar as well, as Brad and Ebony both have no idea of my problems or what goes on at home and they are my best friends.

I rang up Brad and arranged to meet him tomorrow for the day. I wanted to take my mind off what's going on at home and just enjoy myself.


hey everyone!

I would like at least 22 votes before I post chapter 6 (:

keep commenting feedback for me, it really helps!

have a lovely day:* -L♥️

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