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#TW insults #TW usage of "retarded" as an insult

terezi pyrope could not believe she had thought this was a good idea. her matesprit nepeta had been begging and begging to go to the zoo. what could she say? she couldnt say no to the girl.

said catgirl was now pawing at the tiger exibit. she seemed to be trying to communicate with the striped feline. her smile was neverending and there was a big green balloon tied to her boney wrist. terezi walked up, listening to nepeta's little mews and purrs. "nepeta... may we leave?" the girl looked over, eyes wide. "what?!?! already?!?!"

the tealblood put her arm around the other's little hips, kissing her forhead softly. "well from what I can smell... its about to be sundown. we have been here for hours!"

nepeta pouted softly, pecking terezi's cheek. "okay... fine." she looked over at the tiger. "bye bye!" she said sweetly. it raised its paw with a farewell. "you are so weird" terezi commented. nepeta mewed hapilly as they went to the front entrance. terezi hadn't sensed a curb and tripped, sprawling out on the concrete. this was very effective in making nepeta lose her shit.

"oh my god!!! are mew okay? do you need a docpurr? purrezi I'm sorry! I should have warned mew!"

the blind girl put up a hand to silence her little matesprit. "shhh I'm fine" she said, standing up and brushing herself off. a passerby snickered at her, seeing the situation. "what are you retarded?" he said, walking by. nepeta turned completely green in the face, flashing over and jumping on his back. "don't you dare insult my matespurrite!!" she said, clawing at him.

"nepeta! no! what did I say about the pink fleshy things!" terezi called after her. 

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