Chapter 1 (Edited)

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Allison's P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm clock at 5:30 a.m. I rolled over and jumped out of the bed and into the shower. When I got out of the shower I turned my straightener on. I went to my closet and found a white lace cold shoulder crop top with a pair of high waisted jeans with a moon necklace.

I went back to the bathroom to straighten my hair. It was now 6:00 O'clock a.m so I went to wake up my brother Alex. When I finally got him up, I went down to the kitchen to make some eggs with bacon for him. I made him a plate, sat it on the table, and headed back upstairs to my room to do my makeup. I did a nude eye shadow with winged eyeliner and pink lip gloss.

Alex left the house a few minutes ago so he could see Tara Hudson his "girlfriend" or so she says. He just calls her his booty call, which if you ask me is more appropriate. I grabbed my purse, my car keys, and my cell phone then went out the door. I texted Britney and Caitlyn (my two best friends) and told them to meet me at Starbucks. I pulled into Starbucks after 15 minutes of leaving the house. I saw their cars parked. Britney's black Chevy Camaro.
Beside of Caitlyn's white Porsche Cayman. I parked my black Mustang beside of Caitlyn's car.

I locked the doors, and walked into Starbucks. I looked around then I saw Britney and Caitlyn sitting at our normal table laughing. I went to the table and sat down while saying "Good morning girls." They looked at me while smiling saying "Good morning." at the same time.

Britney was wearing a blue and white striped t-shirt dress with a light blue denim jean jacket tied around her waist with a gold necklace and white converse on. With her makeup on point, and her long blonde hair curled.

Caitlyn had a long sleeve white crop top on with red high waisted jeans and nude heels with a gold necklace like Britney's. Caitlyn's makeup was natural with a little bit of eyeliner and mascara and her mid-length brown hair was straightened.

I then started to think about my boyfriend Troy. We have been dating for a year now and our one year anniversary was coming up soon. I was knocked out of my thinking when Britney asked "Are you ok honey?"

I look up at her to see worry written on her face. "Yea I'm fine, just thinking about Troy."

"Ohhh, so what do you and lover boy has planned for your one year anniversary anyways?" Britney asked.

"We're planning on going out to dinner then go see a movie and maybe go stay... at a... hotel?"
I whispered.

Caitlyn and Britney just looked at me shocked. I could already tell my face was as red as a tomato. "You're planning on sleeping with him!?!" Caitlyn asked.

"Well, I think it's a great idea they've been dating for a year now and they freaking love each other," Britney said.

"Well I'm thinking about it but I still don't know for sure... I'm nervous." I said.

Britney just looked at me and said "Well of course your nervous it's your first time."

"Are you sure about this Allie? Because if you want to wait you can." Caitlyn said.

I just looked at them and started thinking about how much I love Troy, and how I want him to be my first. I looked at the girls and said "I'm going to lose it this Friday with Troy."

"Bitch, I'm taking you shopping and our first stop is Victoria Secret!" Britney said a little bit too excited.

She stood up giving me a hug while saying. "Come on let's go it's 7:30 we don't want to be late."

Britney grabbed her coffee, keys, phone, and purse while Caitlyn did the same as did I and we left. We pulled out of Starbucks and made it to school 30 minutes later just in time. We pulled in the parking lot, parked our cars and started walking to the main doors of the school. While walking up the steps I noticed Blake one of my brother's friends staring at me I just rolled my eyes as I walked into school. We headed to our lockers which are right beside each other since freshman year.

I started to get my books for my first and second period when someone came up behind me with two strong tan arms wrapped around me and kissed me on the cheek. I turned around with a big smile on my face to see Troy giving me a smile back.

I kissed him and said "Good morning handsome."

"Good morning beautiful." He said while kissing me back.

He had his light brown hair spiked with a blue polo shirt on with skinny jeans on and he looked sexy as fuck.

My brother and his friends came up to me and my friends. Alex, Blake, and Nathan. Alex wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it with blue jeans on and his hair messy as always. As where Blake's messy hair looked sexy he had on a black t-shirt that toned his abs with his black leather jacket on and blue jeans on. Nathan had on a white buttoned-up shirt three buttons lose and khakis on.

"Hey sis can I borrow 20 bucks for gas and lunch?" Alex asked me I sighed and reached into my purse, grab my wallet and handed him 20 dollars. "You know I love you right, sis."

I just glared at him and gave Britney and Caitlyn a hug, grabbing Troy's hand as he walked us to class. We went to our seats and started to get our books out when Troy said "So I was thinking about throwing a party tonight, wanna come?"

"Yea of course!" I said leaning in to give him a kiss when Britney came in and said "aww you guys are sooo cute!"

"Thanks." We said in unison and laughed.

"So you wanna go to a party tonight?"

"Umm let's see go home and listen to my brother and some girl having sex or go to a party with my best friends."

We all just laughed "Ok well tell Caitlyn and meet me at my house after school, and after the party, you all can just sleepover cause mom has to work late tonight."

Since Blake and Nathan were probably also staying. The teacher walked in and class started. I just couldn't wait for the party tonight

So here's my first chapter I hope you like it!

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