Chapter 9

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Allison's P.O.V

We pulled into her driveway. "Thanks baby, I'll see you at the game." I said before I kissed him.

"I love you too babe, I can't wait to see you later on in your cheer uniform." He said with a smirk.

"Well I can't wait to see you tonight looking hot as hell on that field baby." I said with a smile.

"I love you I got to go talk to Bri, and Cat."

"Ok sexy see you at the game."

I got out of the jeep, heading to the door I just opened it since her parents are never home I can just walk in. Caitlyn was right behind me, we both started to walk towards the kitchen when Amanda came out.

Amanda is Britney's and Nathan's cousin. She's kinda snobby but you kinda get use to it I guess. She's a total smart ass but all the guys love her.

"Oh my gosh!! Allison, Caitlyn is that you?!" She screamed making my ears bleed.

"Yea, hey Amanda long time, what you been up to?"

"Uhh not much really." That's odd usually she tells us her whole life story.

"Oh, so what are you doing here?" I asked

"Oh uh aunt Sue said that we could stay here, you know because of Britney and Nathan not having their parents around because their always on a business trip.

"Ok that's cool, where's your mom at." I asked

"She's still at the house packing the rest of our stuff, then she's going to say bye to her boyfriend she won't be up here till tomorrow evening."

"Ok cool, is Aquarius here or..." I asked.

"She's up in Bri's room talking about something."

"Ok, thanks see you later."

"Ok see ya."

"Wow she's changed!" I whispered screamed at Cat.

"Yea for real, that's crazy she's not a bitch anymore."

"Yea and did you see how nice she was towards me, she hates me or use to."

"Yea I know!" We started laughing when I knocked on Britney's door.

"Come in!" She screams "Hey wh-" I stopped my sentence when I saw Aquarius crying.

Aquarius is Amanda's sister, Aquarius is sweet, kindhearted, loving, and shy but... she can kick anyone's ass if she has to.

"Quer-Bear! What's going on why are you crying?" I asked her, also 'Quer-Bear' is her nickname for like forever. "Be...because Brennan b...broke up with me because I was moving!" She screamed.

"Oh babe!" (Also her nickname) "It's ok he didn't deserve you anyways." I said while Caitlyn and Britney were rubbing on her back and hugging her.

"But I love him! Allison he was everything to me, I was going to give him my virginity!! Besides you don't know how I feel because your with Troy!"

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