Chapter 28

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Allison's P.O.V

I wake up to see bright lights and bright white walls. All I remember is some girl giving Blake a lap dance and me beating the shit out of her. I look around to see I'm in a hospital bed, Blake was sitting in a chair beside me, Alex and Caitlyn were on the couch asleep, Aquarius was in the other chair beside my bed laying on my legs as a pillow.

The only people I don't see is William, Drake, and Amanda. I grab Blake's hand and he automatically wakes up.

"Allison?!?" He asked in pure shock and disbelief.

"Hey baby." I said smiling.

"Oh my god your up! Do you remember anything that happened?" As soon as he asked that Aquarius woke up.

"Allison!!!! You woke up!!! Blake, why didn't you wake me up!!"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to for a little bit alone."

"Well does she remember anything?"

"I don't know I asked her that but then you started screaming at me."

"Guys I'm still here."

"Oh yea... well do you remember anything?" Aquarius asked me giving me a hopeful look.

"All I remember is going to a club and seeing some slut giving Blake a lap dance and me beating the crap out of her."

"Well trust me you did." I hear Blake say under his breath.

"Well I'm sorry that I beat the crap out of some slut who was giving MY boyfriend a lap dance!!" I scream.

"Well you didn't have to get in a fight with her!" He screams back waking up Alex and Caitlyn.

"Uhh guys what's goin-" Alex tried to ask before I cut him off.

"Yea, I did Blake because you can't say 'no I'm good I have a girlfriend'!! Can you really not keep it in your pants for a night!?!"

"I can Allison you know I can! I told her I had a girlfriend ask Drake he was there! Allison I love you and I would never ever cheat on you, your my world sexy I can't live without you. I'm sorry I should have got up and walked away but I didn't want to leave the guys."

Everybody stays quite for a little bit.

"That still doesn't explain why you were making out with her!!"

"She forced it on me before I could push her away! I swear baby I would never do that to you, I would die first."

Before I could say anything else the nurse walked in.

"Miss. Sailor, your up." The nurse says happily.

"Yea for a few minutes actually."

"Well I'm your nurse Mrs.Casey but you can just call me Skyler."

"Ok Skyler, can you tell me why I'm in the hospital?"

"Your boyfriend here carried you in the hospital screaming that you weren't waking up, so I started to check everything and we took a blood text... you passed out because of alcohol poisoning, but we pumped your stomach and your ok now."

"Thank you for taking care of me."

"It was my pleasure, and my job." She says making me laugh a little.

"Do you know when I can go home?"

"You can sign the papers today and go home."

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