Chapter 17

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Allison's P.O.V

I wake up to my alarm clock going off at 5:00 in the morning. I roll over and hit the snooze button.

"Just 15 more minutes!" I screamed forgetting I was alone.

We came back from the beach last night, we just didn't want to leave, we got home at 3:00 in the morning.

I decided to just get out of bed so I could go on and take a shower. I ran to the bathroom, to throw-up.

That's the third time this week I thought.

I wiped off my mouth, jumped in the shower, enjoying the hot water hitting my back. I start putting shampoo in my hair when I remember prom is in two days. I hurry up, and jump out of the shower. I dried off, wrapped my hair in a towel, grabbed my phone to text the girls in the group chat telling them we had to go dress shopping after school.

Aquarius: OMG!!! I tots forgot!!!

Amanda: I did too!! We have to go after school!!

Me: I know!! I'll drive us to the mall after cheer practice ok.

Britney: Ok good!

Me: I love you all I'll see you at school.

I looked through my closet to find something to wear when I found a light pink shirt with a pair of light wash jeans and a pair of sandals to go with it. I also put on a necklace, a bracelet, and some earrings to complete the look.

For my makeup I just put on mascara, eyeliner and some pink lip gloss

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For my makeup I just put on mascara, eyeliner and some pink lip gloss. After I dried my hair, curled it put it in a ponytail and the ends curled. I go downstairs to see a sticky note on the counter saying "There's blueberry muffins in the oven and Alex already left. I love you -mom."

I threw the note away, grabbed a few of the muffins. I put them in a baggie and stuffed them in my bag then left. I started the car when my phone started to go off I grabbed it to see it was Blake.

Me: Hello?

Blake: Hey baby!

Me: Hey babe!

Blake: So I was thinking... we're still going to prom right?

Me: Ummm yeah! Of course, me and the girls are going shopping for dresses after school today.

Blake: Are we going?

Me: Are who going?

Blake: The guys you know the girls dates.

Me: I guess... I don't really know I was thinking it could be a girls day but we do need you guys to help us pick the dress and we have to make sure you match us so yea you guys can come.

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