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10 Years Later

"Tyler!!!! Get your sister!!!" I screamed.

Well I graduated high school and got married right after. Three months after graduation we got married but we just couldn't wait anymore. We lost all contact to our parents after what happened that night.

Alex and Caitlyn also got married but after she got pregnant with twins Jason and Jennifer honestly they look just like Alex at just 9 years old and have another little girl named Hope who is 6. Amanda and Aquarius also got married and moved to New York.

Amanda and Drake have a daughter named Taylor, Aquarius and William have a son and two daughters. Drew the oldest 10 Tanya 6 and Lily is 4.

We're all really happy, especially me and Blake. After we got married I got pregnant 9 months later I had Tyler my oldest 10 and a year after I had Noah and he's 9 and later on I had Bella who is 4.

I'm doing my dream job I'm a model, and every now and then I do a commercial. Blake is a pro football player. Right now I'm trying to get everyone ready to go see everybody. Every year we go to Florida and spend time with the family. Alex, Caitlyn, Amanda, Drake, Aquarius, and William and we bring the kids and we spend the whole summer there.

The kids get to spend time with their cousins and we get to have some adult time.

"Mom Bella is throwing a fit!!" Tyler screamed

"I'm coming!!" I walk downstairs to see Bella running from her brother Tyler and Noah is no where to be seen.

"Where's your brother?!"

"He's upstairs getting Bella's doll." Tyler said taking a seat on the couch.

I grab Bella and take her upstairs to get her out of her Barbie PJ's.


"Yes sweetie?"

"Are we going to see Uncle Alex?"

"Yes we are baby."

I put on her white dress with a pair of flats and a pink headband.

"Now go downstairs and sit down on the couch with your brothers okay?"

"But mo-"

"For mommy??"

Bella just nodded her head and walked downstairs. I checked to see if everything was packed up that we needed and called Blake.

Blake: Hello

Allison: Hey baby, everyone's ready where are you?

Blake: I'm pulling into the neighborhood right now so go ahead and walk outside.

Allison: Ok see you soon I love you.

Blake: Love you too sexy.

After all these years I still smile like a teenager when he calls me sexy.

"Ok kids come on let's go daddy's here"

Tyler and Noah got their bags and went outside, I picked up Bella and walked outside behind them right when Blake pulled in the driveway.

"Daddy!!!" Bella yelled jumping out of my arms and into his. Let's just say she's daddy's princess.

"Hey there princess!! I missed you!" He said giving her a big hug and kiss.

"I missed you too daddy sooooooo much!!!!" Hugging him back.

"What about me?" Noah whined.

"Of course buddy!!! I got you all something." He put Summer down, and opened his truck door.

"Here you go kiddos." He said handing them all a bag.

"Oh my god dad this is so hot!!" Tyler screamed looking at his new skateboard and of course testing it out.

"Dad!!!! No way!!!" Noah started screaming and jumping around.

"Look mom he got Kirk Cousins to sign my football!!!!" Noah screamed.

"Yea that's cool baby." I said smiling

"Mommy!!!! Look at what daddy got me!" She yelled running up to me, with an Mona, Elsa, and Anna doll in hand.

"Wow baby look at your new Barbie dolls!!"

All the kids were all excited about their gifts and were freaking out and just couldn't wait to rub it in their cousins faces.

"Hey sexy." He whispered in my ears.


"Did you think I forgot about you?"

"No of course not."

"Good because your present is right here."

He handed me a jewelry box, I opened it to see the prettiest charm bracelet I've ever seen. There was a charm of our anniversary, the first initial of our three beautiful children, a Disney castle, and even a Cotten candy charm for when Alex found out about us.

I jumped into his arms and kissed him while he spun us around. We did that for like two minutes until we herd our kids screaming 'eww'.

He grabbed our bags and put them in his truck  and we headed to Florida. I called everyone and they left about the same time as us so we should all be there at the same time.

I do have to say though I'm happy, I have three amazing children who are my world and I have wonderful friends who are now my family and I have the best husband in the world. We're happy we have everything we need in life.

When I look back to high school I'm glad Troy cheated on me because if he wouldn't have broken my heart Blake wouldn't have to be there to help me glue it back together. I'm not happy that we lost contact with our parents but they didn't approve of our relationship all because we were in love and couldn't wait to get married. But we did as planned we waited until we graduated high school.

A week after Blake proposed to me he moved out of his parents place and bought us an apartment. Alex stayed with me until I turned 18 and we moved out and stayed with Blake until we graduated high school. Ever since then our lives has been good.

Alex being a school teacher, Caitlyn owning a daycare. Drake and William owning their own car dealership with Aquarius being a fashion designer and Amanda being a writer in Cosmopolitan magazine. Blake being a pro football player and me being a model.

We all got our Happily Ever After.

Hey guys!!!!! I was thinking about doing a sequel about their kids lives but I don't know so...... leave me comments and tell me what to do!!!!

I loveq all you soo much for reading my story it honestly means the world to me, I was so scared to make my own story because I was fighting myself about it my heart and head was fighting each other I'm just so glad so many people like it and hopefully enjoyed it.

I love you all and thank you🙏🏼😘

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