The Game

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"Why K?" I whined. I knew he hated when I did that but he was about to make the worst mistake of his life.

"Dessy you know ion like that shit"

I smacked my lips "Can't you just live wit me or get yo own apartment"

"I know it's gone be tough but you gotta stick it through"

I sighed knowing I couldn't change his mind. This nigga was really leaving me. It's been 6 years non-stop and now he leaving.

"Let's make a pact"

"Shoot" he said lighting one up

"We gotta get out the game"

He almost chocked on his smoke. He looked at me crazy but I was dead ass.

"But des that's all we got" he said and he was right

"Well we gone have to get into some other shit" I said

He was still looking at me crazy but then he started smiling which made me smile. He brought me in for a hug

"Don't forget about me" he said

I smacked my lips "how could I"

He smiled once more and kissed me on the forehead.

The was the last time I saw him for 3 years


"Desiree come dance with me"

"Trina" I whined

"Come on girl" she said shaking her hips onto the dance floor

I rolled my eyes and put my drink down, following her to the dance floor. I don't dance much but Trina always brought that part out of me.

We had been at this club for a while now and it was a coo little kickback. It wasn't packed but it was a good amount of people.

As we were dancing a group of guys came in thinking they was the shit. People was dappin them and saying wassup and shit. Then they started walking toward us and I already had some slick shit prepared to come out my mouth.

Before I could even let the words get out I was shocked when they started talking and hugging Trina.

"Wassup mamas" said one of the guys

"Hey y'all" she said

The rest of the crew exchanged words with her before finally noticing me.

"Who she" one of the other guys asked

I screwed my face up trying to figure out who Tf he was talking to. If he wanted to know he shoulda asked me with his ugly ass.

Trina must have noticed the look on my face cause she rushed and introduce me

"Guys this is Desiree" "and Desiree this is Tyson, Ray, Nico and Vince"

The boy who was rude af was Vince and he kept looking at me funny too. If he had a problem we could run it. It was nothing to me. And he looked familiar so who knows where I know him from or what kinda beef he may have with me or somebody I know.

"Aye" said Trina breaking the silence "you got something for me" she said to Vince

He smiled at her "only if you share"

She smacked her lips "whatever nigga"

"Let's go"

Me and Trina pulled up to our condo with the boys trailing behind us. They followed us up and once we were inside the pulled out a mason jar full of weed. I was in love.

We took a seat on the living room couch and immediately started rolling. It was so much fucking weed I rolled my own blunt for me and me only and so did everybody else.

I knew I was bout to be on some other shit when I was done with this.


I woke up and still felt my high. I was in my bed a had a bag of chips next to my pillow and a soda on the floor.

I got up and immediately I was hungry. I didn't know if that was still my munchies or if I was actually jus hunger.

I went to pee first and then I went in the kitchen. I looked in the living room and everybody was gone but they unfinished blunts was still here and he left the mason jar :).

I made a bowl of cereal and while I was grabbing a bowl I noticed the time on the microwave  and it was fucking 3 o'clock. How Tf did I sleep that long and what time did I go to sleep.

I shrugged it off and continued making my cereal.

When I was done eating I walked back to my room and checked my phone. I had a text from Trina at 12 asking if I was up. I texted her back saying now I was up and she texted me back a few seconds later saying she was coming home in a few hours.

I scrolled through my socials for a while then got bored and started watching tv which eventually got boring too and when I get bored I get sleepy so I ended up going back to sleep.


I jumped up at my name being called. I already knew it was Trina cause only her crazy ass would be yelling like this.

I got out bed and walked down the hall to the living room and immediately smelled food. I walked in the kitchen and saw pizza on the stove.

I smiled an hugged Trina "thanks" I yelled

She laughed "your welcome"

It got quiet for a quick second and I heard a toilet flush.

I snapped my head in the direction and then looked at Trina

"Who Tf is that" I asked

She gave a nervous look and then she started smirking and I knew that look.

"Who is he" I asked putting a hand on my hip

She laughed "okay so I didn't tell you but I have been talking to this one dude for a while and-"

"How long" I cut her off

"2 months" a deep voice answered for her

I turned around and my eyes landed on-

I gasped and covered my mouth with both hands. I just stared at him for what felt like minutes but it was seconds. Tears started to well up in my eyes.

I walked closer to him and studied his face. I peeked behind his left ear and tears started falling when I saw the tattooed letter D.

"K-karson" I mumbled out and dropped to my knees and cried into my hands

He came down with me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"It's okay Dessy" he whispered in my ear "I'm back for good"

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