Chapter 3

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I took her to dinner that night explaining the duties of being a journalist (I know, boring). Thankfully my phone rang.


Robin is an NYPD. I think he was 30 at that time and has a four-year-old son, he is pretty cute (I mean the son). He is a single parent ever since the mother left for another man.

"Another robbery?" I picked up immediately.
"Hello Nadine." Did I mention I'm impatient?
"Where?" I hailed my hand indicating I want the bill.
"59 Glenswood."
"Different this time. There's an "R" on the front fridge."
"Interesting. Be there in 10."

I hung up and looked at Emily, "we have to go." I grabbed my bag.
"Now?" She was still eating her spaghetti.
"Yes. Leave the food." I was already ready to go.
"Why the hurry?"
"If you want the best information, you have to get there first."
The waiter showed me the bill, I put my money on the tray and told him to keep the change.

I quickly rushed out of the restaurant and fetched my car.
"Does this happen all the time?" She said as she settled in my car. Apparently, she packed her food and started eating (I know some of you readers have a problem with people eating in your cars. But I'm okay with it because I do that myself).
"Yes, you'll get used to it." I almost rushed a red light.
"Careful! You'll get us killed." She choked her spaghetti.
"Nope." I continued driving recklessly.
"What do you mean 'nope'?" She clenched tightly onto the handle of the seat.
"Nope as in the possibility of getting killed because of a road accident is less than the possibility of you getting choked to death."
She stared at me like I was some math genius (I'm not a math genius).
"Which means don't eat spaghetti in my car."

When we arrived the crime scene, Robin was shouting out orders. "Hey Robin. Still engagement rings?"
"Yep." He noticed Emily and rushed forward, "miss? You're not allowed in the crime scene."
"She's with me." I pulled Emily's hand and whispered to her, "stick with me okay? They don't tolerate pedestrians."
"Can I see your permit?" He asked.
"Seriously? I said she's with me, isn't that enough?" He did this to all my partners, I guess he is just very careful. Emily showed her ID and Robin took a look at it.
"Welcome to the business Emily. Here, we make magic happen."
"Did you quote that from a movie?" Robin always makes room for jokes. "How did you know that? It's from Barney. You watch Barney? Wait, do you sleep with your teddy too?" He pretended to hug a bear in his arms.
I pushed him, "ha ha, very funny. For your information, I do watch Barney. That's where I learned how to love people." He laughed.
Emily joined in, "I'm not a cartoon person but my brothers used to love Barney too, it was their favorite. So, I guess it's pretty good stuff." (Trust me, it's the only time you'll see this word in this book)

Reread that last dialogue and note what word she used, for normal people, they will think that it's okay. But for me? Man was I triggered by that word.

Robin slapped his face and I could feel the blood inside of me rushing.
"Uh oh. Nadine is triggered." Robin said, we had known each other since I entered the business, maybe four years when this happened. He knew this "triggering" thing would cause a humongous catastrophe.
"'G**d'? Really? You know, I actually thought we might get along with each other. Then you just had to drop the g bomb."
Confused, she asked, "what's wrong with g**d?" If you some day wanna see me and have a conversation (that will not happen), that's a question you avoid at all cost.
"The word 'g**d' isn't supposed to be in the dictionary. It is way too general, you can mean anything. Besides, you can't just say things are 'g**d'. What if your opinion is crucial? You just say g**d? It practically equals to lying. No! What about 'g**d' people, they have flaws and may not be as 'g**d' as you think they are." I stopped to take a breath, "just please don't say that word, okay?"
"Okay... I guess that means I can't say 'g**d' in front of you."

Robin cleared his throat on purpose and said, "I think you should interview the victims, yeah?"
"Yeah." I mumbled. He came to me and whispered to my ear, "go easy on her, she's new." I rolled my eyes (I have no idea why I always roll my eyes).
"Come on." I signaled her.

The crime scene was in the bedroom. Actually I'm quite impressed by the Ring Man, he can burglar a place with actual people in it, sleeping, steal things, and not wake them up. Amazing! I didn't say that out loud of course, or else they would think I'm the Ring Man or woman, whatever.

"Do you wanna interview the couple?" I asked Emily, interviewing is always the most boring part. That's why I need a partner.
"No, I'm okay." I looked at her and she smiled back.

I viewed the surveillance with Robin, Alex and Claire. They were talking a lot while I observed the camera.
"Hacked." I muttered. I mutter things a lot. No reason. I just do.
"What?" Robin asked. Then, they all turned to me.
I ignored Robin's question and asked Mr Gray, "can I call you Alex? I don't like to use peoples' surnames."
"Yeah." He looked confused (I wonder if there's another way to describe it).
"Did you move that cup?" I pointed at the recording.
"Be certain." I'm very stern when it comes to crime scenes like these.
"No." Alex answered. I turned to Claire, "no."
"It was hacked. In 20:05 the cup was here," I pointed at the screen, "20:06, the cup moved a little to the right. Maybe half an inch?"
"You're a genius!" Alex exclaimed.
"Nope. Just observant. Also, it's hacked from the outside."
"How do you know that?" Robin asked.
"Because the security guy had moved within the break-in. Unless the security guy worked for the Ring Man which is unlikely, hence outside. Don't ask me why I know the security guy doesn't work for him, I just know."

After all that explaining, Claire showed me the picture of the ring. It was huge! It must've worth a ton of money. No wonder the Ring Man stole it.

As you know, the Ring Man marked an "R" on the fridge. I went over there and touched it. A hologram! I turned around and saw a surveillance camera there. I waved at it. It came from the surveillance!
"Robin?" I called out.
"Yes?" He turned around.
"Does it belong to them?"
"Robin, we're not just dealing with a robber, we're dealing with a genius too. That 'R' is a hologram. He could've implanted a camera, but he knew he could be tracked. He could've used paint and that could be tracked as well. Get the forensics, maybe they could find something. "
"Thank you, Nadine." And he started to yell out orders.

No camera caught him. But why this man wanted attention now?

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