Chapter 4

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I finished the article in less than two hours. Since it was eleven thirty by the time I had finished, there weren't any editors to edit my article. So, I had to do it myself. So,I edited it and sent it to the printing factory which starts at 2 am (I think, I'm probably the only journalist that doesn't know everything about newspapers).

Emily knocked on my door about eleven thirty and interrupted my dart throwing session.
"It's not locked!" I yelled.
She opened the door and asked, "how can you not lock the door? What if you're robbed?"
I looked around, and answered, "there's nothing for them to steal, the only thing that's valuable is my fridge and I'm pretty sure I'll know if they steal it."
She rolled her eyes, "anyway, goo-" I immediately stared at her, so she corrected,"great job on the article. Made it front page." She tossed it to the table and untied her shoes.

The Ring Man Strikes Again

I smiled. Yesterday (after I sent it to the printing factory), Greg called me to say that it won't be published in tomorrow's paper, instead it will be published in the day after.
I answered, "I don't care how you do it but either you put that article on front page or you don't get the article!" I'm a strong woman and I will not be defeated by some boss of mine. Well, I guess he found a way to publish it.

"Any thoughts on the story?" I asked, not that she would have any idea but it seemed like the right thing to say.
I threw a dart.
"I read your previous articles and your notes. We have no clues at all."
I sighed, "it seems random. I think I'm missing something," throwing another dart, almost hitting Emily.
"Be careful with that. You might kill me!" She screamed.
"Possibility of being killed by a dart thrown by a skilled dart thrower is almost impossible. Besides, who told you to stand near the dart board, it's your problem!"
She rolled her eyes again and stepped away from the dart board. I put down my darts and said, "come on." My home office is too messy, partly because I live in there. Also because I never cleaned that room so... don't judge.

I don't mind messiness, but I do mind dirtiness. Now they are different. Messiness means that you have things that are not put in the right place, and dirtiness means that you have dirt or dust all around the house. I'm just messy not dirty, just to make it clear for readers who are mysophobic (fear of dirt).

I had pins and threads all around my office, notes were pinned everywhere and files were scattered around the floor.
"So messy," Emily laughed.
"I like it this way." I pulled out a chair and patted on it, indicating she could sit on it and she obeyed.
She scanned the notes on my wall. "So what exactly are those?" Circling her finger around the wall. Yes I do like to write on my wall, it's easier. With paper, you'll always need to add more and more paper. But with walls, it's never-ending.
"Writing down what I know and what I should know."
She nodded, "I see," examining my wall.

The door opened and someone shouted, "Nadine?" It was Robin and his son, Sam. He is four and has dirty blonde hair but with bangs and his eyes are blue. He texted me that morning if I could look after him until his babysitter comes. It's only two hours. He's fun anyway.
"Sam!" I held out a fist and he bumped it.
"Hello Nadine! Ohhh! Are you woking(working) on a new stowy(story)?" Sam can't pronounce the "r" sound, so please note that I'm trying my best to translate what he's saying. If you don't understand, the correct word is in brackets while the one he pronounced is not in brackets.
"Yeah! Very hard one!" I turned around and remembered Emily was there, "this is Emily," I pushed Emily forward.
He shyly said, "hello."
I rubbed his head, "he's Sam."
"I can see that you're really into this story. Maybe we can exchange ideas?" Robin always does that, he claims that "it's more efficient". But to be honest, I think that he just doesn't have ideas of his own.
"Nothing, you?"
"Oh well. We'll just have to wait for him to show up again..." I sighed.
"Yeah," he sighed as well, "you girls wanna have dinner at my place?"
"Yeah." We both said at the same time.

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