Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning because my phone rang. It rang a couple of times but I didn't answer. I let it fly to voicemail. Then, some buzzes followed up. I moaned and reached out my hand for my phone.


Wake up
I called you a thousand times!!!


7 Greenhill
Another one this morning
with the same R thing

I hate him


I normally don't
wake up until 10

Don't be lazy Nadine
It's 6
Not too early

Tell Emily


I drove through the busy streets, highways, downways (I'm pretty sure there's no such thing). Finally there's Greenshill. Far far away from the city.

"Hey, you made it." Robin looked the same, vibrant.
"What choice do I have? I really wanna finish this story! Real bad!" I rubbed my eyes.
He sighed, "me too... me too."
"Hey guys." Emily greeted.
I sighed in response instead of saying anything. "Lets go interview them."

We went inside the house (a country house), they were farmers. They had a big farm. Obviously not rich. So why steal from them?
"Hi, I'm Nadine from the Guardian," holding out my hand to shake.
The man shook it, "Toby Kirk." The woman shook it too, "this is Isabel."
"So I'd like to ask you some questions if you don't mind."
"Not at all."
I asked the basic questions, time, place, photos, clues. They had no surveillance, so no luck there.
"I don't know what I'll do without the ring. It means the life to me." Isabel told me. the couple was recently married and they had already been robbed by that stupid man.
I ignored her and asked, "can I go inside to check things out?"
"Sure," answered Toby.

"Why don't you comfort her?" Emily asked
"A waste of time." I yawned.
"But you're a journalist!"
"But I'm not charity!"
"If you're looking for help, you can go to UNICEF."
"They help children. Not newly married and robbed couples."
"I don't care! I genuinely don't care."
She scoffed in reply.

I went inside and saw the "R". I touched it, hologram again. I needed something to track it down. A pat on the shoulder disturbed me.
"You got some powder?"
"Yeah." She took out her foundation. I took off the lid and shoved it to her. I blew it to the direction of the hologram. It instantly showed a projection. It was shown from a computer.
I called Robin in, "does this computer belong to Toby?"
"Yeah, why?"
"The 'R' is a hologram. Shown from that computer." I pointed to the computer.
"I'll get forensics to get fingerprints."
"He's a genius, he wouldn't leave any fingerprints or clues. Even if we had a camera, it would be useless."
"We have to do it anyway."

We finished interviewing within two hours. We sat in a cafe, eating while I wrote my article.
"Sent and done." I turned off my laptop.
"This is hopeless." Robin said.
"I know." I answered.
"No DNA?" Emily asked.
"Nope." Robin replied.
"My gut tells me that all the places are connected in some way or another. And my gut is never wrong! Come on Emily. We can work at my place." I fetched my car and drove home.

I had made up my mind, I would stay in my home until I find out what's the connection between them. It's really hard to change something when I've made up my mind.

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