Chapter 2

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"Hi. I'm Emily Pullman but call me Em." She said. So, I guess Greg did find someone which applies my qualifications for me. Emily is tall, thin. She has dark brown hair almost black indoors. She's tanned and has dark green eyes.
"Hi. I'm Nadine and I don't like nicknames."
"Oh... okay..."
"Where do you study?"

(I can already imagine you sleeping because this book is so boring but I can promise you that it won't be boring later) I wouldn't be that cruel and write all of our conversation down. If you must know, it's super boring (I should probably google some synonyms of boring because I'm using it too much). Anyway, to sum up, Emily isn't fully stupid, only about 52% (I made that up, not scientific at all).

Not soon later, we ran out of things to say. You see, I am not the talkative type. Don't get me wrong, I do talk when I need to but I'm terrible at starting conversations. I'm just anti-social. Lemme think what my mentor say when it was my first day here. Oh wait. He didn't. He despised me very much until I helped him (solve) with the story.

"Am I supposed to show you around?" I know, that's the best I got in mind, wasting my time.
"That would be nice." She looked around.
I sighed. "Okay. So, we're on the second floor where the final editing is taken place, this is also where Greg's office is. I like to describe our work place as a bee hive. Queen bee is Greg and we are the worker bees."
There was a spiral staircase just around Greg's office and I showed her down. "Downstairs is where we make honey." There were a ton of cubicles, all spacious as we journalists need a lot of space when working on a story. "Our sector is called the Local News Team," pointing at the far end of office, "over there are the political guys. They only write about politics, meaning you wouldn't wanna start a conversation with them."
"Why not?" She asked.
"Because they only talk about politics. You can talk to them, only if you're on their party."
"Their party?" She asked again. Do you now understand why I said she is 50% stupid?
"You know, their side of the party? As in democratic or republican?" I was trying my best not to loose my temper, clearly didn't working though.
"And the rest practically writes everything."
"Everything?" She looked surprised.
"Yes," keep it together. I took a breath and said, "but we have preferences. Like me, I write crime." We walked past Lara's cubicle, "the girl who we just walked past is called Lara, she loves writing corruptions."

She quickly scribbled what I said down on a notebook.
"What are you doing?" I stopped.
"Writing down what you said." She stopped.
"You won't learn anything if you write them down." I told her.
"But Professor Larson sai-"
"Wait. Professor Larson taught you?" I secretly hoped she would say no.
"Yeah. Professor Digory Larson."
That explains the stupidness, of course I didn't say that out loud but it explains it all.
She asked, "he taught you?"
"No. Thank goodness no. He was my mentor, and was terrible at it. He despised me, he was working here when he trained me, I think it's about... how old are you?"
"Same. I was your age when I was interning for him."
"Oh but he taught us to write down everything he said."
"Well he's not here. So, you don't need to do everything he says." She tucked her notebook into her bag.

We walk into the break room and she paced around it, "it's like a supermarket!"
"Yeah, journalists need a lot of fuel to work. You can eat everything in here except the chocolate chip cookies in the jar."
"Why not?"
"It's Jack's. He goes nuts when they're not there." I chuckled, "he flipped a table once."
"Really?" She laughed, "I'd better remember that."
"Hey girls," Suzie said. She is a mid-aged woman that probably (100%) has children who are my age. P.S. She is not like a mother figure to me, just a friend. "You new here?" Gesturing to Emily.
"Yeah, it's pretty cool here." She looked nothing like me when I was new here. I was despised.
"Suzie with a 'z'." Holding a hand out.
"Emily." She shook Suzie's hand.
"Nice to meet you Emily." She turned to me, "how's your story?"
"Difficult but not impossible, no clues yet, we'd have to wait." I sighed.

After zigzagging around the office, we arrived to my cubicle. It's empty because I don't use it. "This is my cubicle. I don't like working here."
"Why not?"
"Two reasons. A) it has limited space and b) there are people here."
"What's wrong with people?"
"Because people are annoying." She raised an eyebrow. "Most people." I corrected.
She scoffed, "anyway, I heard you can't work without a partner. Why not?"
"Who told you?" I asked even though I knew the answer.
"Greg." Of course it was him, he couldn't even keep a tiny secret.
"Multitasking is one skill that I have yet to learn. Until I fully learn how to acquire it, I need a partner to help me. But I seem to have trouble communicating."
She laughed at my remark, "people have warned me about your em..."
"Bad temper?" I suggested.
"Yeah." She chuckled, "when do we start working?"
"Tomorrow. Don't come here because I won't be here. Come to my place, I'll text you the details and don't come any earlier than 10."
"Why not?"
"I'll be sleeping."
She laughed in disbelief. To clarify, it's not my problem that I need to sleep. Also, I'm nocturnal so... yeah, you know what I mean. I still have no idea why I'm writing this book.

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