Chapter 1

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It's raining way to much, God never thought it would rain this much in Paris. Hey, I'm Jasmine Maxwell;I'm 24 years old and live in Paris.I'm currently heading to my job, I'm a designer, it's raining too, so it's unfortunate. Well any who, like I said I'm Jasmine, and let me tell you that today is the most depressing looking day in all the time I've been living here. But I've always thought that the most remarkable things can happen in the gloomiest of days.

"Oh mon Dieu! My papers!" I said as my designs fell on the floor, "thank god they didn't fall in a puddle".

"Je suis tellement désolé, laissez-moi vous aider" I heard a voice say.

I pull my head up and look at this guy about my age with a very familiar face."non, it's okay" I say.

He hands me my papers and I just stare at him trying to remember where I've seen him before.

"I'm so sorry I should really watch where I'm going, are you okay?" the familiar stranger said.

"No, it's fine" I said mesmerized by his familiarity.

"Are you sure? You look a little confused" he said with a chuckle.

"Oh,désolé...I feel like I know you from somewhere" I replied.

"Really?You look really familiar too..." he said while scanning my face.

"Oh mon Dieu! is it you Jonathan Cole?!" I said wide-eyed.

"Yea?But...wait a minute...Jasmine, Jasmine Maxwell!?" he said, now him looking confused.

"Yea, from school, and before school, and in between school!" I said smiling like a hipper active and high on candy child.

"It's funny running into you here" he said.

"Yea, I can't believe it's actually you, it's been...what...4 years "I said.

"Yea...vous êtes belle, really beautiful" he said, and I felt my face getting hot.

"Thanks" I replied.

"Oh! Sorry I was... thinking out loud" he said, while his cheeks flushed a bright red.

"You don't look bad either" I responded giving him a gentle shove on the shoulder.

"Are you a designer?" he asked. "Well...yes I was just heading to work right now" I said with a big smile.

"Cool, I'm-" I cut him off and said.

"Wait let me guess...a model?"

"Well yes, you're really good at guessing" he said letting out a small laugh.

"I know a model when I see one" I said and laughed.

He smiled and said "Hey, would you like to grab a coffee or something later?".

"Yea! That'd be a great idea" I said.

"What about tomorrow at nine in the morning at the café right there around the corner?" he said pointing towards the café.

To which I responded, "Okay, see ya then, maybe we can catch up a little".

"Okay, au revoir, bonne journée Jasmine, it was really nice to see you again" he said and gave me a hug.

"Au revoir, même chose pour vous Jonathan" I replied and walked away.
All I could do was think of him the rest of the day. Jonathan and I went to the same middle school and high school, him and I were pretty close, also neighbors. Neighbors for...well ever since I moved to L.A, which was when we started middle school together. But then when we graduated, I went to Parson School of design and he went to Washington to study law; we hadn't seen each other since. He was always there for me and I there for him, we were inseparable. Him and I were really good students, aka goody goodies, aka nerds.. But he did go out with a couple of girls. I remember all of them ending with heartbreaks though, he suffered a lot. Don't get me wrong I had my fair share of relationships too and he was there for me as well. I was never really good with relationships, I also got cheated on a bunch of times, and I never picked the right one I suppose. I'm really naïve when it comes to men and I've learned that the hard way. Jonathan was always there and I remember him saying the sweetest things like, "Jasmine you are worth so much more than what you think, these guys don't know what they are losing. You're so sweet, and pure, and special and you'll find someone who will see that. Don't give up just yet". But anyways Johnathan and I have history of an amazing friendship and I'm so happy I saw him, I hope we become as close a friends as we were then.

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