Chapter 18

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I decided to go home and isolate myself for a while. I am being such a bitch. I am seriously losing it, I just don't know how to start over. The next couple of days went by the same I just can't deal with the world. I don't want to cry, but how do I leave behind something that felt so right and wonderful like Jonathan. I tried to work my ass off but that only made my work suck. Millie noticed this so I explained to her what was going on and she told me to stay home and get my thoughts together.

A week passed and the designs for the fashion show where done and are being shipped to the first location for the fashion show. My models and backup models were all booked and we were going to meet in New York in about two weeks before the fashion show to try on the pieces and practice the catwalk, which was just eight days from now.

So I had five days to relax before I left so I decided to stay home and watch some movies. As expected I watched "Warm Bodies" first then I did a Harry Potter marathon because why not, and to be honest half blood prince is the best one. It was pretty late when I finished watching the marathon so I read a book before going to sleep. I read about half of "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green because why not. Then I went to sleep.

The next day I decided to give the guy from the cafe a chance. He had texted me like three times the past days and I ignored him so I replied to his earlier hello which was two days ago; I'm surprised he even kept trying.

Me: "Hi, how are you doing?
15 minutes later
John(Caffe): Hello Jasmine I'm doing great it's great to hear from you. How are you doing?

Me: I'm doing just great thanks for asking.

John(Caffe): Jasmine, would you like to join me for lunch today?

Me: Sure, where?

John(Caffe): How does food in the park sound? I work at a coffe shop, sorry I can't take you someplace better.

Me: Sorry I don't go out with broke people. Just kidding the park sounds amazing. I'll meet you there at two o'clock

John(Caffe): I'll see you there.

I got up from the couch and went into the bathroom, it was only 12:30 so I stood under the shower just looking at the water going down the drain. I miss him like crazy, I know that moving on was more than possible but it's really hard to have someone you care about leave then come back and then leave again. I got tired of standing so I sat under the shower head with my knees up to my bare chest.

Back when Matt was here this was the only way that I could find peace, here alone in the shower with my thoughts and the sound of the water falling on my skin.

It was now 1:15 I put on some skinny jeans and a lose sheer top with spaghetti straps that has a floral print, I did my usual makeup which was the wing with a light eyeshadow to make my eyes pop and a nude lipstick. Before I leave I look in the mirror and say "Moving on".

I got to the park and it was 1:40 I found an empty bench and I took out my sketchbook, phone, and headphones. I didn't really feel like actually working on any future designs so I just drew a bird that was pecking the ground in front of me. I toned everyone out and actually felt pretty good for a while until it flew away as someone stopped in front of me. I take out my headphones and look up at the gorgeous café John, he was wearing a plain white t-shirt with black skinny jeans, some black Sperry's and a black beanie. He made something so simple look incredible, but as good as he looks I still don't feel anything. I smiled up at him and stood up.

"Hi John" I said smiling at the handsome café waiter.

"Hi Jasmine, you look beautiful" he said smiling and intensely staring at me.

"I'm not really hungry right now do you want to walk around for a bit?" I asked him.

"Sure" he said" he said with his Colgate smile.

We walk and talk about what we like to do for fun and our favorite movies and little things like that. Then we both get hungry and decide to buy some pizza from a cart. I love pizza.

After we finished we sat on the grass then he asked me "So what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a fashion designer, I own my own boutique and I'm going to New York in four days for my first big show. I'm really excited" I replied.

"Oh my god! I knew it, your Jasmine Maxwell. I wasn't one hundred percent sure and that's why I asked you here today I need a job!" he said without pausing.

"Uh wait are you asking me for a job?" I asked confused.

"Yea I want to be a big time model, I mean look at me I have potential dah. I was hoping I could go to New York with you and model for the show!" he said.

"Wait wait what? You brought me here because you wanted a job?" I asked. I was so confused and frankly offended.

"Yea this wasn't a date no offense but I don't like you, you are beautiful but I'm gay" he said.

"Ooooh okay, well..." I paused for a minute " Okay well I have all my models booked but I can get you in contact with this modeling agency, is where I get my models from and they are really great; they'll surely be happy to have you, I'll give them a call for reference" I told him.

" OH MON DIEU OUI! Thank you so much Jasmine I love you! By the way sorry if you thought...well you know" he said.

"It's okay, well I'm going to leave now. Thank you for the not date. See ya around John" I said as I stood up giving him a smile.

"Wait Jasmine" he said and stood up in front of me "I'm really sorry about asking this way. I just saw you and I wasn't sure it was you... and I didn't want to seem desperate, I just saw an opportunity in you. I felt like you'd give me a chance".

I smile and said "It's okay John and hey you can text me whenever. I want to make sure your dreams come true love" He hugged me and grabbed my hands and said " Thank you so much" and left.

I walked around the sidewalk by myself for a while, I wasn't mad at cafe John I was actually happy I could help, he seems to have amazing potential. Hell I would have booked him if we weren't already full.

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