Chapter 1

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A/N: There will be a bunch of new characters from DigiTour 2016 because I wanted old MAGCON to meet the new MAGCON and DigiTour 2016. The people I will be adding is Weston Koury, Blake Gray, Mark Thomas (duhitsmark), Zach Clayton (bruhitszach), Joey Birlem, BabyAriel, Jacob, and Johnny Orlando. I also want to add star and singer Carson Lueders. Along with TLG people.

Nashs POV

I saw this girl. She seemed upset when she came to MAGCON. I saw it in her eyes. I've never seen a fan look that upset. She's next in line. She walks towards me. I open my arms to give her a long hug. She hugs me.

Her frame fits perfectly in my arms. She was short. I'm 6'1 she had to at least be 5'5 or 5'6. How old are you gorgeous? I ask. "I'm 15," she said. "Hayes is 15," I said. "You got a bae? Or NAH? You tryna date? Or NAH?!" I hear Aaron say.

That's what I say! I whisper in her ear to say after. I give her my number. I text are manager saying I have a friend staying after and tell every security guard to let her stay. I take a picture of her on my phone.

Then she goes to Hayes. I send the picture of her to our manager so they don't kick her out and her friend out. Next thing I know I'm being attacked by the next fan.

Hayes's POV

I'm at MAGCON. Taking pictures with girls. What's your name beautiful? I asked to the fan. Hannah she said. Nice meeting you Hannah I said.

Then she left. The next girl came. This went on forever. The last girl was very different from the others. She's amazingly beautiful.

Hey gorgeous! I said. Hi she said in a quiet tone. "Don't be shy babe," I said. Her friend whispers in her ear.

I saw a bruise that was trying to be hidden. Who did this to her? I grab a piece of paper and scribble a few words along with my #.

I turn back around and see she has a piece of paper in her hand. She gives it to me and I gave mine to her.

Then I give her one last tight hug. My name is Starr, she said. I kiss her on the forehead. "Talk to me if you feel alone or anything, okay?" I ask. She nods her head.

Matthews POV

The girl is beautiful. Anger boiled through me when Hayes kissed her on the forehead. I feel like she should be mine and only mine.

After Hayes is me. Hayes puts her in the front but, some fans got mad so he gave them hugs and went back to see more fans. "Jump on 3," I said.

She nods her head. "1," I hold my arms out. "2," She starts running. "3!" She's in my arms. I'm hugging her for the longest time. She is so perfect.

Her petite body in my arms. Her friend took a video of that. It was our moment and only ours. Everyone gasped.

Some girls were angry. Some girls were happy and loved it. Some thought it was cute and adorable. I don't care about what they think.

As long as, its just her and I. I saw Cameron record it. I love you beautiful, I said to her. She started to blush. I glanced over at Hayes.

He seemed super mad. He was staring in her and I for a long tie. She kisses me on the cheek. She hops off me. Its my turn now.

I kiss her on the cheek. "Can I haz yo number?" I ask her. I give her my phone and she enters in her number.

She gives me her phone and I punch in my number. "Love you baby girl," I said before she left onto Cameron.

Then I send her a quick text I hope Ill get to see you soon! Matt p: D Then I go to see my next fan.

Camerons POV

This girl is beautiful. Shes all I want in a girl. Shes perfect. When its her turn, she hugs me from the waist because of how short she is.

"You are beyond beautiful," I said. "I wish I didnt feel the way I do about living," she said. "What do you mean?" I ask.

"Nothing never mind," she said. Before she walks away I see her arm and wrist. I pull on her wrist. She pulls back and looks at me.

I take her wrist again and pull up her sleeve. I start to kiss each cut going up her wrist to where she cut. "You're beautiful," I said in between kisses.

"That's not true," she said. I stop. "Don't ever say that!" I said. "Well, other people think different," she said. "Well, they're wrong," I said seriously.

"They're telling the truth Cam," she said. The way she said Cam is cute. "They're trying to bring you down to make them feel better for themselves by hurting innocent beautiful girls like you," I said.

Her cheeks flush to a bright shade of red. Its cute. "Don't let these people bring you down you're strong and I know it, if you need someone to talk to I'm here for you and I'll give you my room number and phone number," I said.

How can she be treated this way? "Its not just people from school," she said. "Your family?" I ask. She nods her head in approval.

I write down my number and hotel room number. "Here's my number and hotel room number you can come see me when I get back to the room or you can text me," I said giving her a piece of paper with my hotel room number and phone number on it.

Starr's POV

All these guys care about me. I have my eyes on 4 of them. I go to Aaron, Carter, and Jacob. MAGCON is over. I see a security guard stop us and escorts us to the back.

I see all the boys standing by their bus. My friend and I stand next to the group of boys. I pull out my head phones and my phone.

I play Lost Boy by Ruth B. I start singing. Everything in the world is forgotten even though people are there I imagine they aren't.

The song ends and I open my eyes and everyone is staring at me. I notice a couple of people are missing.

They all clap in amazement. "You got that Carter?" Aaron asks. "Yes, Carter says. "Starr?" Hayes says surprised.

Cameron is surprised along with Jack J. and Matt. "I wanted her to stay," Nash said. I put my head down and look at my black converse.

I hear some shuffling. "Don't hide your beautiful face," I hear a familiar voice. Cam? I lift my head up. Cams right in front of me.

I blush. "I'm not beautiful," I say. "Don't say that," Cameron said. Dont ever say that, youre beautiful not because of your looks but, whats on the inside, Cam said.

"Hey, Starr! Hayes yells. Hayes picks me up and spins me around. He then sets me down. Howd you get back here without getting caught? he asked.

"I told Paul about them needing to stay and hang out with us instead of just going home," Nash said. Why did Nash do this for me? Im not worth their time and money.

Jacob Sartorius's POV

For some reason, I ended up getting lost going to the bathroom. I find my way back to the busses. I see two unknown faces with the boys.

They both look pretty. One just stands out more than the other. The one that stands out more has blonde and blue highlights and black at the tips.

She also has dark blue eyes. Her friend has a dyed red color in her hair and greenish hazel eyes. "Hey Jacob, why'd you take so long in the bathroom?" Cameron asks.

"I got lost!" I said/yelled back. Blue eyes turns her head to look at me. Her friend looks at me too but, I just get lost in her deep sea blue eyes.

I stop staring at her and compare her and her friend. She seems to be 5'1 or 5'2. Her friend is like 5'8 or 5'9. Taller than me.

"Who are these two beautiful girls? I ask Cameron. "Shorty is Starr and her friend next to her is Mya," Cameron says.

"Look at this cutie, he seems like my little brother," Mya says. She walks towards me and ruffles my hair. Matt enters.

A/N: Hey guys this is the first chapter of the series and I want to know if I should continue with the book or not. Well bye guys.

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