Chapter 3

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Starr's POV

"Yeah sure," Jacob says. I give him my phone and he gives me his. We exchange numbers. "Anyone want to go inside?" I ask while getting up and pulling out my keys. They all say yes in unison and then they get up. I walk to the front door and unlock it. I walk in with everyone else behind me. "Nice place," Nash said. "Thanks," I said. They all sit on the couch. "I'll go make us some food to eat," I said while walking to the kitchen. I make an Italian spaghetti an sausage meal. 30 minutes later I finish cooking. I call all the boys and they line up to dish out their food. I go sit down and go on my phone onto to twitter. I read all the hate comments like Go kill yourself, No one likes you, Everyone hates you ugly slut, The boys only like you because you're a slut. Thing like that. A lump in my throat forms. " I got to got to the bathroom I said while getting up, but I say it too quickly. I run upstairs and lock myself in my bedroom bathroom. I grab my blade and sit on the floor. One cut for being ugly, Two cuts for being useless, Three cuts for being alive.

Jacob's POV

I get my food and sit down. Starr says she has to go to the bathroom and she rushes upstairs. "I'll go check on her," I said. I get up and run up the stairs. I go to a room that looks like hers and hear sobs in the bathroom. I go to the bathroom door and turn the knob. Damn it. It's locked. I see a bobby pin in sight and pick the lock. The door finally opens. I see Starr on the floor with a blade in her hand and cuts on her arms. I grab the blade from her hand and put it on the bathroom counter. I sit on the floor and pull her close to my chest "Why," I ask. "People hate me and I'm unwanted and worthless," She said. "No you're not, and you said everybody hates you and look why would we be here if us boys hated you?" I ask. "You show sympathy towards me," She said. "No, because we love and care about you," I said. I rock her back and forth. She starts to calm down. "Please don't ever hurt yourself again," I said. She just stays quiet. 5 minutes pass. "Please don't tell the boys," She said. "I promise, as long as you don't hurt yourself again," I said. She nods her head.

Starr's POV

I told him everything. "Why would your parents do that?" he asked. "My parents hate me and they never wanted me and I was a mistake," I said. "You're not a mistake and you never were," he said. "Do you maybe want to get out of here?" I ask while getting up to clean my cuts. I cover them with make up. I walk out of the bathroom and walk to my closet. I grab a black hoodie and a pair of gray joggers. I change in my closet. I walk out and go back in the bathroom and grab my phone and Jacob and I walk out and I turn the bathroom light off. I gather my stuff. I grab my Jansport backpack and stick like two water bottles and a small bag of dog food. I put my head phones and my spare charger in the bag. I snatch my penny board and walk downstairs with Jacob. I shut my room door behind me. and walk downstairs.

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