Chapter 4

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A/N: Sorry I didn't post. I'm trying to post as much as I can, but school is getting me tied up.

Starr's POV

I go into the kitchen and see them cleaning up the mess from dinner. "Thanks guys," I said. "Anything for you Starr," Nash said. "Do you guys want to go to the park after your done cleaning up?" I ask. They all say yes. "I got 4 penny boards, 2 bikes, 2 skate boards, and 3 scooters," I said. "You guys decide who's getting what while I grab my skate board," I said. I run upstairs into my room and get my skate board.

Hayes's POV

We all decided who's getting what. "I hate seeing Starr acting all happy as if she should be," Jacob said. "Why? What's wrong with her?" I ask. "It's not my place to tell you guys," Jacob said. Why would she pretend to be happy? She's beautiful and kind and the sweetest person I've known. "Do any of you guys know that Starr's parents abuse her?" Cameron asks. We all say no. "We've got to report it or something like when her parents come home or something," Cameron said. We all nod are heads. "Who all likes or has some sort of crush on Starr?" Nash asks. Jacob, Matthew, Brandon, Hunter, Taylor, Joey, and Jack&Jack all raise their hands. Including me. I thought I was the only one that liked her. I guess not. "I guess she has to decide for herself on who she wants and the other boys she might meet at the hotel," Nash said. "No one should let anyone hurt her or harm her in anyway even on social media," Cameron said. We all hear her coming down stairs and we start talking about something else. "Let's go guys," She says. We get up and follow her into the garage. She opens the garage and we grab what we picked. Everyone gets out of the garage.

Starr's POV

When everyone is out of the garage I put the number in on the key pad and the garage closes. I start riding my skate board. "Follow me guys," I said. 5 minutes later we arrive to a secluded park. The beautiful scenery and the beautiful sea blue sky. I get off my skate board and so does everyone else. I go over to my thinking tree. I sit down and put my back against the tree. everyone else sits down.

"My spot where I can escape, but there's more to it," I said. "My brother died 6 years ago in a car crash. I blamed myself because he went to get me a toy for my birthday. My mom and dad loved my brother and I. Until he died in the crash they started drink and they soon became abusive and started to physically hit me. I started getting bad grades in 6th grade. My grades started getting better grades when I was in the 7th grade. I started getting bullied in 5th grade. I couldn't do anything about it because I knew they would hurt me even more. I would get called names like Slut, Bitch, Whore, Skank. I started loosing friends because people told lies about me being a sleep around in the 8th grade. I very lucky to have my friend Mya. She was the one I would talk to about my bullies. She's 1 year older than me. She came along when I was in the 6th grade. She stood by me until she had to go to high school. So I didn't have her for one whole grade. It got worse in the 8th grade. The kids would physically beat me and told me to go kill myself and that I should never exist and other mean thing you could think of. I never knew what self harm was until the 6th grade. I was curious to what it was because people said it helped the pain go away, but it never went away," I said in tears. "I started self harming and it became addictive like a drug my arms would itch for a blade the arm. It got to the point where I cried myself to sleep every night not wanting to be alive. My parents didn't even want me alive. They kept beating me if I didn't fix them food and they'd beat me for no reason. The bullying never stopped. People tell me everyday for me to go kill myself. I even get hate on social media from kids at school and right now your guys fans are hating on me. They call me fat, ugly, bitch. They tell me I need to lose some weight. I starve my self because I'm so called "fat." Whenever I eat something I just throw it up immediately. I tried killing myself 3 weeks ago. As you can see I failed. This song by Courtney Parker is called Her Last words. It makes me sorta happy, but it wishes I were that girl in the song. I have to put on a smile for Mya so she knows that I'm okay. I need her to know that I'm okay. I don't want her to worry about me being bullied, but she does because she's my best friend. She puts that smile on my face, but watching you guys on vine, Snachat, and YouTube make me happy. You guys put that smile on my face. You guys jus don't know how many people you could save by watching you guys, but you guys make me want to be alive. You guys had some part in my life that made me feel not so alone, but see you live on YouNow and Live on made me smile. Know that I got to meet you guys and hang out with you guys makes me happy. I wish I wasn't stuck in this stupid rut. I want to get out of this void that is an endless, but only I can make it to the end of the void. Listening to bands like Black Veil Brides or Sleeping with Sirens makes me feel happy. Headphones on World off. I shut everything out when I listen to music. Music is what fills me. Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words can hurt like knives." Tears fall down my face. "I should never exist and never be born," I say. I pull my knees up to my chest and just cry. Everyone is crying. I get up and brush my pants off. I wipes my eyes with my sleeves and grab my skate board. "Let's go," I said. They all get up and grab their transportation. I start skating to where Max is staying. We get to the abandoned house and go up to the door. I open the door and go inside. I set my bag down and unzip my bag. I get out dog food and a bottle water. I pour it in his bowl. "Max!" I yell. I hear his little paws trot down the hallway.

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